Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Fight the good Fight

We are in a bad way these days
we are partying in the church
where we know very well its not meant for that
Do not mistake such behavior to be Christ like or for God
The Church is meant for worship, prayer a sanctuary for those lost souls
Growth in our knowledge for our Lord, and growth in our love for God and fellow humanity

Walls separate us in Christ
Between the deviant divisions
misguided they seem to some
but for most they people see them as on the right path
hence forth they follow and reach out to churches that are more so busy with entertainment
rather than worship

These deviant ones are misguided surely we the people who seek to be pious
Shall set forth in example to the misguided and show them the way as Christ did for us
Following desires instead of his word, but after all we but sinners
In no means am i saying that i am better than those who have fallen for shaytans plan
But seek out Jesus our Lord and savior, because without him we are surely lost from the light

And the light shall over come all darkness that it faces
So then there where shall i rest my soul
after these mortal body has perished
I would only wish for the golden gates to open for me
so i can bask in glorious light that omits onto our Lord

So what do now but where to rest my body and soul
but rest on the shoulders of thy Lord
I surely wept my share of tears but not for self but for my Savior
For how could he take such a burden from the creation and take it as his own
What greatness was uncovered with his birth

For he died for us
For our sins beginnings and endings

Do what the Bible says we should do for ourselves and our salvation

Fight the good fight
and keep your word with God

But remember Church is for the sinners, to praise, worship, and seek out knowledge from the words of our Lord.
Do not let shaytan whisper his words into your mind and heart
he does not belong here

So my friends, my siblings in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
Ponder upon this, ponder upon the bible the word
Praise it
For its the lifeline to the heart and soul

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Follow that pious knowledge

sacrifice to one another for our lord and savior did so
The apostles of God gave so much to their king
So what is is it to spare but a few moments of worship and prayer
perhaps a few loonies for the church even if thats all you can afford
But be generous for God's sake and even your own sake

Sought not your wisdom from the fools with deviant ilm knowledge nor evil doers
Seek the pious people those who have come to be humble with their travels
Knowledge ilm can be found everywhere but remember not all of that knowledge is good
it can corrupt ones heart
And if our heart is corrupted then how canwe surrender our heart to him
For "He" is good, God is good

There will be the deceivers all around that will take Gods word and corrupt it
Take it as their own
Claim to be from him
Claim to be new found prophets
but remember with the correct light
heavenly light upon our gaze we shall not fall for the deviants deceivers

Give thanks for our joy is found with fruits of the holy spirit
for God loves us he was able to send his son to die for our sins
So our hearts are open to you oh lord
Guide my heart
I surrender my heart giving glory to the king

Our hearts though are open to desires the good and bad
That old dirty devil will not shake his grasp
he snickers
But he cannot stop us
from releasing such evil doing desires
because remeber Jesus decided to die for us
for our sins he took for us
So becloser to God
We have redeemed and delivered from the helllfire
for I want to bask in Gods holy light
I need Gods love so much
So be delivered from that hellfire to reside in the holy light with out Abba Father and Son Jesus Christ.

have a clear spirit and mind for our lord
Without such how are we to seek out a pious teacher
look to elders, pastors, bishops, leaders, youth, children
they are everywhere
that knowledge you gain shall help you
may the knowledge of the pious move within us such as the holy ghost

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


i find myself
here once again
is it my fault
because i slipped up on purpose
medication why is it needed so much
i cannot last a day without it before i mental break down
but then again the day was good
so Thank God that im not dead by my own hand yet
i refused to let myself grab those blades
to buy them from the store
honestly i was worried what the clerk would say when she saw all my scars
when i would go to the check out with blades
so i put them back
i defeat shaytan once again
he whispers so often
I have Christ in my heart
He is my guardian
I will be honest its been a long time since i felt emptiness
maybe this new found faith relationship
is what is meant for me
Thank God for friends
True friends
I lost so many
when i left islam
they cursed me and called me deceiver
am i one
i think not
im just being truthful
i dont go to masjid and cause trouble
i have kept my distance
its not my home anymore
Thank God
from a friend who found me tight knit church
lately i been feeling such a good feeling when i go
after all
i go to church three times a week
nothing better to do
afterall ilm is found on all corners
but no corners on this world for we are limitless in this glaxacy of milk
I hope you found your path
i know i have found mine
I just need to keep on the medication
so that old dirty devil is kept at bay
but i fear when i will lose control
and the emptiness will return
but as long as i keep faith
in Abba
Holy Spirit
then indeed i shall conquer onwards
in the soul of the mind
i am limited
but the lord almighty in limitless
so worry not for me
im in good hands
for my heart lies in the hands of our lord and savior