Monday, December 29, 2014

Monster part two

I feel this linger in me
Lingering deep down
until suddenly the urge is there
begging me to devour

saliva increases
satisfaction wanted
I dont know what do
I have stop for so long
but still i find me in mindless disaster

mindless messes of the mind
am i fuckin insane
often crosses my mind
as my desires my nafs fill my heart
leaving filled with satisfaction dank desires

in the midst of reality
i am brought to the surface of oxygen
deep breathes are needed
before i find myself in my mindful illusion
again some satisfies me more that devouring

its part of me
my mind it was always there since the beginning
since i can remember some say
get help
go home
go to the hospital

I have gone home
I am safe here
Home is where the heart is
Don't let the nafs control you
dont let devouring control you

I have many scars you see them
internal or external
there part of me
some fade but i still remember them all
They are healed
I no longer hate
I am peaceful
One can only hope

Some will say because of me
I'm not pure
because of my so called disorders
I didn't choose this bullshit
you just don't understand
Don't sweat it
I got it
I am me
I not perfect
no one is in this world

So i am left alone to devour let the monster inside of me breath

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