Wednesday, April 22, 2015


guess what
things are changeing
I met someone years ago
i didnt think it would turn out like this when i met him
but alhamduillah for the way things turned out
he is a ball of sunshine
the ultiment star
after all im star child
who needs the moon
after all the Sun is the bringer of life

this name shall remain a secret
until further notice
but Sunshine you are me alone
you take my breath away with your words
I tell you something about me
something im ashamed of
and you tell me to keep my chin up
to have better self esteem
its means alot
I guess Allah truly brings people together for a reason
he alone knows whats in the heart of humanity
and we all touch eachother in the heart so
I/ dont want to be alone
Silly i am
because im never alone
For Allah is in my heart

And now i have my sunshine
Im still a star child in the sky
but i found my light
that keeps me shinning
so Sunshine
you say im Sunshine as well
maybe thats because im a star as well
A Star child waiting for you sunshine
Take that solar flair and send it into my heart

Soon we shall be together
may this last forever
inshallah my friend inshallah
till we meet again Sun Child
your reguards from Star Child
La illah ill Allah
Muhammadan rusullah
Till the end of this life
and in the hereafter
inshallah tallah my friend

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