Saturday, December 26, 2015

Want Need and Will Have

Sometime we find our selves wanting to be with the closing sun under the distant harvest moons light over the glistening bay of water under the sunset.

Here one would think to find serenity, tranquility, Peace.
Even if a Rainbow was to appear, that would symbolize Hope within my mind.

I want to be able to have a full slumber as deep breaths snoring Zzzzzzz....
Without having to scream out in pain and agnony either from those distant memories that are hurting me so

Jabs of sharp pain hits the skin, what can I comperhend from this but hurt tears screaming reaching for help.

What I want to feel is puffy white pink orange blue purple clouds in a light sunrise perfect for the day start.
Start each day with harmony a hum to keep you balanced do ra mi far see do

We are millions upon millions of ripples from the casting pebble across the Ocean of emotions that is within the reality of galaxy of spirits. Beyond this we cant comprehend what is there often do we find humanity pounder with their Gods Theology Philiosphy and Science.

With my travels as a wonderer upon the salty sand in a dune of of sand, trecking slowly as the mind is timeless each shard of sand that drips down endless it seems in this hour glass.

Emotion is here it hard to explain but with who or rather what i am i feel as though even in the emptiness that is caused by rapid emotions rip my skin a small stream of light red darkness drips down my arms.

Freedom your silly mind thinks but for milasecond before regret sinks in

Becareful that you dont do away with self that you devour everything but skull and bones leave the soul tarnished and twisted no longer is it roots wrapped around Gaia mother earth she doesnt allow corruption here.

As you wither and scirm Spirit is here to collect what is due
But worry not

You and I live on as long as a glimpse of what you did is still in a memory a deed not to small for any kindness

Remember the silence of a smile but the kindness it can bring.

I think from the skin coloured scars all around my arms would indicate that passed all that
but would be but a lie as i still yearn for this but I been starting over.

I am not withering but reaching for the sky as my wood base and long tree trunks burst into the sky.
It is not to long before little branches appear with green buds of leaves.

Soon the fruit will be bared to the our world for who or what we are shall it be sweet and everlasting
or bitter with the world around it.

I am not such a person to the second statement stay but a glimpse of the disorder

Dont let the labels rule you dont let the disorder own you

You yourself me i yes maybe that can be true
yes but it is for with my reality
This is what I understand

But im not in cement shoes in this ocean current remember were it will rapidly take you.
I leave what is written on soul as words are ever flowing out of me as long as i draw deep breaths.

Believe in me for I believe in me and I am everlasting as long the deeeds are forwarded

One can only hope for Today so we have Tomorrow...

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