Thursday, January 21, 2016


Feel me, breath with me
I am superman
Rather super you cannot define me

Let your mind expand
past what we see
Past those words that define me

I am super
Watch me roll to rhythm
past here and done let those labels roll on by causing no doubt here

For when those labels expresses their puss filled wounds I'm am vulnerable

Don't test me
I'm Superman
Catch me by a millisecond
Don't let the infection run its course
Corrupt you
making you blue

Blue Monday's
They are upon us
Mondays as just dreadful Wednesday's
but I'm Super
you cant stop me

I'm stronger than the labels they don't rule me
I'm stronger than anything you through at me
Because I have my supports

They help me rather rule over me
no oppression here
No more mistakes
no sins
I'm trying to be rational

Irrational people let the labels rule them
under oppressive states of their minds

Let your mind expand
I'm Superman
Cant you tell
I have the strength to over come all
No label rules me
I may be Super but I'm ME
cant stop me
I'm stronger than oppression

Labels don't define me
Labels don't rule me

I think of world without this oppression of labels
For we who suffer are Super
For we are who are
Don't let the oppressions of societies rule you

You are stronger than the label
Monday through Friday
Saturday Sunday
365 days no lie
no labels for you and I

BE Super
be me
Don't let labels control you

You are strong
You are super
Free to be you
Without that puss filled labels

I'm superman no infection for me
Remember you are free to be you
Labels be everywhere
just don't them affect you

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Where am I
but a star bouncing across the ocean within the galaxy
I like to think I have some sort of fate
This star who I am soon shall form

I am Spirit first
I am the Warrior within you
I am your strength
I will protect you

Who am I but soul
Different but for millisecond
Soul is here to stay it will wither over time
only to make room for new souls

But when the Great spirit resides in your heart you feel the call for body mind soul and spirit

You never know when he will come for you
Choose your  path lightly
Do just acts
Don't let the anger control you
Don't let the Rage consume you

Joy will come to you as soon you has expressed her self and just like her sister sadness she will feel left out and just want to join in the fun and games

Do not worry sadness will give strength is dire time
in those times refer to your strengths
your heart
and Spirit
Your smile the great kindness

Don't be afraid of that monster inside us all
we will tame them him her them they have no gender just like spirit but they hurt me slowly you say

I know this
Look at me
I'm tarnished
scarred beyond repair on the inside and out

Stop the labels
Remember the light will shine bright
Beat your war drum
paint your face
Ready your spears

Its time
To tame the beast inside us all
Its our struggle
some will saw you will never win

But Fuck them
they don't know how strong you are
don't get me wrong
I don't know you

But i know spirit
I know the beast
I know this war far to well
for my scars show it
I may lose a battle one or two from time to time

That doesn't mean i lost the war

Beat that drum

Ready your spear

Ride that beast across the ocean of emotions
for we but pebbles that cause ripples

just be
A ripple wanting nothing more but to strive

because you beyond all this pain and hurt
You were a victim
you were vulnerable

Survivor you are
Till you find you path
And when you harness you beast be that
and dance across the ocean

you will be ready to be that WARRIOR

Ready your spear
It keeps you balanced

Upon this war you now ready to reap the spirit realm of evil

For the great spirit that has seen your battles the fallen and the risen above all
he she them sees now
you are ready for the spiritual battle

Be that pebble
upon the ocean
cause ripples upon ripples
in our societies