Wednesday, February 12, 2020


You rose from the sea
As a shinning seashell bears you
There are many aspects of thy love for you
We have not forgotten
Our lust in with you
The love of all in with you
Dancing with cupid child of love
Have an arrow to trick one another
Glorious union of love beauty
Will turn our hearts to you

If we pray to you lovely Goddess

Will victory over our heart bare witness to you?

We feed on the flesh of you
Scallops feeding our breast
Will you heart show the way
For love is the key
To pray to you
To worship you our ancestor
You are a mother in which our flesh is united with desire of lust

You have many names
Venus triumph on
Lovely Gods come to you for love
Wars have bidded your lust
Victory over your enemy

I shall conquer the heart
with you my Deity

Rise from the sea
Once again
So we can see your beauty

We will never forget you

Even if our desires are warped beyond lusty deeds

We will conquer love for you
Lovely Goddess

Friday, February 7, 2020

Eating me

Its eating me alive
Im craving do i despise my self
To conquer the flesh im here ready for the fight dare i crave
Slice and dice what will be in the night soon to come
Wil I give in, can I conquer this
Beating my chest I am ready
Only to know the fight is me
Pounding down the drain
Chew spit chew swallow
Im nearly done the deadly deed
Yes here i am, no sir you no one care about me
How this tares me open
They  focus on the blaze the sweet nectar a flower for you and I
Do they mind?  Yes even though its legal do they despise
Where am I going? Left here screaming in my mind for the fearless to let me free
Do they mean to, can i conquer one two maybe nine
I tired of the looks this is me
Me and my Pica


Saturday, February 1, 2020


Here I am
Wearing my badges rightfully
You may look at me
Saying what a freak
Damn straight I am
Free to be me
In this insanity
Care for me
What's meant to see
Beyond our illusions
We have them all
Insanity has set me free
To think in the box
Hard to say
But there I am
I did
Spread your wings
Follow eternal knowledge
Think it out
Is this right for me
To question so
Why not
We are learning as each stone is casted
To the ripple that causes bigger ripples
Will I finally be free
From insanity
Yes that's I'm no longer thee
I am new
Look at me
I am finally free
Beat this