Friday, February 7, 2020

Eating me

Its eating me alive
Im craving do i despise my self
To conquer the flesh im here ready for the fight dare i crave
Slice and dice what will be in the night soon to come
Wil I give in, can I conquer this
Beating my chest I am ready
Only to know the fight is me
Pounding down the drain
Chew spit chew swallow
Im nearly done the deadly deed
Yes here i am, no sir you no one care about me
How this tares me open
They  focus on the blaze the sweet nectar a flower for you and I
Do they mind?  Yes even though its legal do they despise
Where am I going? Left here screaming in my mind for the fearless to let me free
Do they mean to, can i conquer one two maybe nine
I tired of the looks this is me
Me and my Pica


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