Tuesday, December 21, 2021


Falling into the abyss
Letting the sorrow consume
Hoping for something to end
Shall it be My Life, One would question
As each emotion trips down my face
As the tears bring despair to one's heart
Loneliness it seems to be just around the bend
And what shall I conquer then
Shall I stand tall beating my heart ever so
Wanting nothing but to conquer the insanity
And as the tears stripped down the mind seems to fall into chaos
Not wanting not needing not getting
Perhaps it is time
For the end to come
One can only wait for that day to come
Until that day comes the fight goes on in the never-ending war
And I bear my chest and open my heart as I wear it on my sleeve
As my emotions conquer my heart and soul, humanity shall not bend my will
To die a thousand times only to live once what will come in the future

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