Friday, September 18, 2020


Feeling lost beyond the bend
I offer my Dua to clear my heart
To allow Allah to bear witness to my pain
To perhaps bring an ease
To this Insanity
Finally does everyone see
That with this my darkness wins
To cut and bleed
Devouring for insanity
This is me
I want to stop quivering
May this happen if it's deemed d
If not
I no longer want to fight the fight
As I am me
Nicely seemly free
The abyss is here
Ready to drag you in
The darkness follows
Do you know
That emptiness is here
Beyond Bliss
Do not worry
For Allah is by your side

Wednesday, September 2, 2020


The desire is near, is it time to blame?
Reckon what is right within the light
Time to say, with the chaos of the heart as we hear doom
Are we ready?
I feel lost with the abyss, ready the blade
To suffer, blustering to the brim
To scream for blackness reckons me
Happening now then everywhere
Illusions of the heart terror Bliss hope worry
Am I lost?
I feel so
I want to be free but I find myself a slave
The devouring
Ripping The reality
The addiction to the artificial bliss
Here I am wanting nothing but pure sanity
I am lost, not knowing the known