Tuesday, April 27, 2021


I feel so tired
Why must I fight on
Is the world meant to just suffer
Shall loneliness consume my heart
The darkness surely is here
To ready the blade and give into the Carnage
Desire to do deadly deeds
Ready for me
I whisper here a whispered there
A pattern here a pattern there
Life is better than illusion of the mind to see
Is this within reality
Can I see beyond the haze
Is it worth it
Is he right
Life is so silently as those around you disappear
Has Insanity crashed your heart and soul
I am left in nothingness
Emptiness has consumed my heart
I am finally done
No more hope for me
Maybe I'll be free
Probably unlikely

Thursday, April 15, 2021

let's hope

Where to fall
At the bottom of a pit
Priceless as it seems
Down in the dumps
The key is honesty
Indeed this is peril to the heart
I'm sincerity to self
Remember to admit to our faults
And shall we bow our heads in shame
And others will rejoice and claim that it's it's Joy and name it's the day
Dare to say nay indeed
To find patience within the heart
For the mind to see clearly
Beyond The mist above the haze
I shall we be named
For we are the children of Adam
And our religion since time began with Allah
That is Islam
To find someone sincere in the heart is those who repent
And to not repent over and over as the same deadly deed was done
But to reflect and follow the Sunnah indeed
To allow the graciousness of God flow into the heart and have a sincerity
Only then will you feel peace and kindness enter your heart
To remember the prophet said that a smile is a kindness and a good deed and what is it a good deed but the best of deeds are the Small deeds
Perhaps I shall see what is beyond this box that concludes me
And I practice patience even know I'm riled in my mind
But I am sincere and honest and truthful and I seek those that are right
We all have hardship in life we all struggle that is part of life itself
Don't take it to heart
That you will live forever
This life on this Earth is but limited
Fear what is after
When those angels on the shoulders show the written scrolls
Of one deed to deed bad deed show I need
Repentance is needed
Indeed it is breeded
Help me so oh God indeed I repented to thee
Is this suffice enough for me
I am stuck indeed
In the chaos of the mind that sees
Too hard on self too easy on others
To not let the rage take control
To follow patience
Indeed let us pray falling to her knees and doing a Salah indeed not once but twice indeed a prayer that is needed for you not for God
No man as I'm slave over another man we are but slaves to God alone
So let us pray
To open the heart to light
This is what is needed to keep the soul light
So make a dua
For those in need
A kindness indeed is a guide indeed that is what is needed in this time that be's
So hope with me

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

A chance

Where to go from here?
As I walk this unknown path that was once known to me
It will be hard at first as All things are
Remember you are never alone
For Allah is on your side
Don't fret, strive on
Is this meant to be within reality?
As the signs are see to look beyond what is deemed
To always ready sell for unknown
For everyone to be on your side, is this what we strive for?
As the sun rises and it surely sets as time is a man thing
Time itself is limitless it is all going on going
I m   want nothing but to feel at peace
So I strive and seek knowledge
To build one other up
After all we are the caretakers of this planet
The world is vast wide like a carpet as it unrolls
Do not take this into a simple-minded thing
Does your mind bend to reality?
I see as far as I can see beyond this reality and what is Deemed for me and truly do
I see indeed
To strive as ukhti
Let it be let it be even in this insanity
Is this what reality is?
All I can say is alhamduillah
Thank you Allah for me
To bring Islam into my heart all those years ago
It truly saves me from time to time
To reflect honestly
To be stuck in the delusion of the mind
A fool and but a world full of fool
Sanity is needed here there and everywhere
Be on time to see is this what reality means for me
To recognize right from wrong
Do not let the desires ruin the taste in your mouth
And do not become bitter with your God
For he is all knowing and all loving and all merciful and deserves all worship none worthy but Allah
As the time is ruptured
I'd lose myself in the insanity
It's not clear to me where I am
The delusions run my mind and I'm far from me
And the hatred consumes my heart and I become dead inside
Well I ever be free of this insanity
Perhaps this is what just is written for me in the pre-ordainment that's Deemed for us all
Recognize these
Peace be upon to you
Don't forget to reply
Or that left Angel
Be busy as a bee
Don't forget when you arrive in front of God on judgment Day
Those angels from the left and the right will be there with you
And God will see what is deemed that he deemed for you
The Free Will that he gave you
Do we use it to please you
Do we use it to please self
If we must please anyone then please please Allah
For he is the creator and without him you would not be
I'm stuck in the delusion does your mind see
Moving in and out turning my back on sanity
Many look and see what's theme for me and they see that I don't cover my awrah
It does not make me less than you or me I'm still being
I know what is a beligatory I don't need a reminder
We all have our own struggles in society in our heart does it see what is deemed for thee
So I fall to the ground to my knees begging Allah indeed
To put my head to the ground and pray so soundly
This is not for him but for us
To become closer to God
So remember just be honest to self because if you're honest then at least you have a chance