Thursday, April 15, 2021

let's hope

Where to fall
At the bottom of a pit
Priceless as it seems
Down in the dumps
The key is honesty
Indeed this is peril to the heart
I'm sincerity to self
Remember to admit to our faults
And shall we bow our heads in shame
And others will rejoice and claim that it's it's Joy and name it's the day
Dare to say nay indeed
To find patience within the heart
For the mind to see clearly
Beyond The mist above the haze
I shall we be named
For we are the children of Adam
And our religion since time began with Allah
That is Islam
To find someone sincere in the heart is those who repent
And to not repent over and over as the same deadly deed was done
But to reflect and follow the Sunnah indeed
To allow the graciousness of God flow into the heart and have a sincerity
Only then will you feel peace and kindness enter your heart
To remember the prophet said that a smile is a kindness and a good deed and what is it a good deed but the best of deeds are the Small deeds
Perhaps I shall see what is beyond this box that concludes me
And I practice patience even know I'm riled in my mind
But I am sincere and honest and truthful and I seek those that are right
We all have hardship in life we all struggle that is part of life itself
Don't take it to heart
That you will live forever
This life on this Earth is but limited
Fear what is after
When those angels on the shoulders show the written scrolls
Of one deed to deed bad deed show I need
Repentance is needed
Indeed it is breeded
Help me so oh God indeed I repented to thee
Is this suffice enough for me
I am stuck indeed
In the chaos of the mind that sees
Too hard on self too easy on others
To not let the rage take control
To follow patience
Indeed let us pray falling to her knees and doing a Salah indeed not once but twice indeed a prayer that is needed for you not for God
No man as I'm slave over another man we are but slaves to God alone
So let us pray
To open the heart to light
This is what is needed to keep the soul light
So make a dua
For those in need
A kindness indeed is a guide indeed that is what is needed in this time that be's
So hope with me

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