Thursday, May 22, 2014

Please for your sake and mine

This is dedication to our God
All of our meaning to worship believe and want to be with our God
Who is that but Lord and Savior Jesus the holder of everlasting light that shall overcome the snicker of shaytan
It saddens me that we rely on so much that is away from the church away from the bible
That some need to promise stuff to the believers for then to follow
So be generous to your temple mind body and the church
For our temple hold our mind soul and spirit
Its on loan to us

So respect it
I know what you think when you look at me for i wear my scars on the outside but you see our Lord has forgiven me for that Thank the almighty

So my friends do you love your church family more than selfish desires
smile shakehands invite to coffee to prayer meeting
For the sake of your heart and sanity

he walks...

Do not let sin rule you
I want to know you
God Abba Father jevohah God of new and old Jesus my Lord and savior basking in the light the noor of the holy spirit
Where are you
I need your guidenesss
Shall you leak your everlasting fruits to me but only for secs thats all i need
Leaving me in awe speachless of your glorly
I fall to my knees in prayer
I can feel it
The holy spirit has his works in me a light shines on my darkness lightened my path to God
Can you carry me during dire times my father of everlasting light for you limitless
Not that you are crutch that i am using i never abuse you like that
But without you i am truly lost for your connected to my hope and without hope your truly lost with your insantity
But also without hope how could we know God and love of God leaves us all in awe
So please brethen bask in his holy light as he walks in all of our paths

Forget about it

Pride can ruin even the most pious of people
Ruin is a right of term in ruin is the lord of your house
If you rely on Pride to swell in your heart it rather goes to one head than to our lord
You think our Lord and Savior Jesus was prideful when with the lepars or rather was he humble to be amoung when he was saving there souls.
IF you have to much pride than surely that devil has his hands on you
Andif you dont believe in either Lord your Savior Jesus as your God vs the lacking in of the faith of that snickering fowl devil.
Because i know for a fact that devil fears the sons and daughters of our Father has faith and giveth faith upto us to conquer evil and with Jesus the light shall not shine upon your path
God is almight he doesnt need us, he does need praise or worship
we need him more than he needs us
May his glory wash over us all

For the father sent his son to die for our selfish sleves and sins are forgiven because Jesus truly died for me
So I shall not rely on petty things such as pride to guide me but i want to bask in the light of our savior.
So Lord guide meaway from petty things allow me follow in the path of prophets and men of God men amoung God
In glouris golden parasdise of heaven

Dont get me wrong I have had my doubts here and there mostly because of the past things
I have lost a life line but found enternal life with our Lord
But my vile past vile ways
But that doesnt make me want to sin more and more his whisper his snicker in my ear he is one shaytan he wants you to suffer in hell fire

I try my best to make my covenvent with God
Name his Abba, God, Jevohah but more importantly Jesus

Itry more and more to go to church live my life according to God and his message
but that snicker isnt far from me and he trys hard against me and my fault my past present but he shall not my future.

The father has his heart upon me and its open to me sending me a family the ummah within Jesus Lord and savior.
Lord I thank you for my friends who had guided me to you may you grant him hightest place in our paradise in the name of our lord and savior Jesus