Saturday, August 19, 2017


Clouded is thy mind
Unsure is outcome
Swallow the darkness or the light
Medication is a must
Swallowing the light
Take me away
Suffocation is in the nights air
I gasp
It's Nearly dusk
Am I suffocate in the light or the darkness

Why do I do this to myself

Light conquers darkness any day
But the light fades in the night
Stars shine bright
Will they shine upon me
Star shine I all you too guide me from night to Dawn let the mother sun shine bright
Taking away the darkness
Fight don't just fight but conquer
I'll admit
That Darkness dances upon my emotions as the sun sets
Please I been free me from depression
Medicate me if you must
Insomnia is not my friend
It kills me as the night goes on
Tick tock goes the clock
I tremble as I hide under my covers
Will the monster get me

I break as the night runs it's course

Insomnia kills

Why must I toss and turn as the demons run through my head
I'm scattered and scared

Running out of time the sun is Nearly in the nights sky
I'm running out time to kick the demons out my head and get a nights rest
Dear human
I'm dead not yet in the ground
Well this mental health ever be tamed
Illness runs it's course
Venom ruins through my veins
Even as I curse
Spitting blood out
As I cut slice the night away
Trying to get the venom out

Bones show their way

Cut with the knife
Burn away the night
It's time to swallow the darkness
It's won
I'm nearly dead
Time to bring life apart from this night
Goodnight human