Saturday, January 20, 2018

Eternity of rings

Where am I?
How far have I fallen?
Questions ring Within the mind
Ring like a telephone
Echo with thy heart

Nothing gets me down but my emotions
The unsettled emotions I feel

People say that medication is the cure along with therapy
I got no pills but skills and they cure my shills

As I write my heart out
Unsettled I am
How much longer do I have
One pill two pill three pill
I take 16 different pills a day
Hey at least you don't have to take 22

Medication is nice
It holds the borderline at the gate
Tears run down my face
Burning my soft skin ever so
Three months to settle in
Three more to wear you out
They stop working for me
And that's when my skills are needed

Where do I go from here
An illusion to the heart
Thinking it's all grand
Lollipops and cakes
But it's lava burning in on my soul
Melting I am

To far to tell where to go from here

So I pondering upon the nights sky
Do I beg thy Lord to save me
No one can
I'm railroad to diaster

But I am at the eye of the storm
Calm as she blows
I'm stuck here for eternity
My soul is gone
Not yet dead
Not yet alive
Purgatory blows my mind

But I try
Try try try
Try try try
It's the cycle from chaos to Bliss

Hold on to your hope
Your sanity is near it

Friday, January 5, 2018


Smile is a kindness and good deed
But do you see pass my smile indeed
I'm tarnished
I bleed
And slice away
Always wanting more
Let's dig deeper
Past the smile
Peer into my soul
As though it is a telescope into the Galaxy of emotion
One teardrop drops down creating a planet as though it is nothing the emotions Roll On by as the asteroid drifts
Smile they say
I try
I wear my heart on my sleeve
Chaos underneath my destiny
My face it far from the Bliss before
As tears stream down
I want nothing but to die
I'm silent
Is this my fate
I dreamed upon the nights sky
Until the next smile...