Friday, March 6, 2020

Smile a Kindness

Happiness where do we find it?
Where but in people, they hope
Have willingness to be
Some of us suffer more than most
But that little light of mine shines in the darkness
Never wilting
I am me
Even within all this insanity of the world that's deemed for all
Crazy world we live in so many labels and judgements to go for all

But that little light of mine came a knockin
here I am
Smiling brightly because its a kindness and good deed
Best worthwhile to please another with a deed surely like this
Some of the best of deeds are the smallest
Help humanity
Respect the earth
Be peaceful

It's not a race
We may feel frustrated beyond the bend
Society is cruel
Do not judge them all
For hope is on our side
Some don't understand

It's up to us to educate
Dare i say share the knowledge in which you acquired

Here to stay in this world
I hope that you will join me hand in hand
Defining hope
We cannot do it alone, but we can with support from friends and family

Don't give up
You feel as though your lost
We all do from time to time

Just be
Breath deeply and lightly exhale

I'll say one more thing before this comes to an end
Smile dare you too
not just with you mouth but your eyes fro one can reflect a soul by their eyes
Smile on the inside before the outside

And that will save you from some of the insanity deemed for you and I

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