Wednesday, July 12, 2023

As Time flows

As the sun rises in the sky
The dust within the soul
Where to go from here?
Once upon Insanity
I am free to be me
Even when I am mean
When I'm mad as a Hatter
Perhaps time will tell
If Serenity can seek my soul
Where will I go from here
But following the light to ever happiness
Let me breathe within
This hell that is put through my soul
Will happiness ever come?
Tick tock on the clock, as time is everlasting the humanity
Will it ever end?
I just wanted to end
But I'm stronger than what I was
Like a brick wall 
Unable to bend nor break
To have some time ponder
Time has come and I'm finally nice to myself
No more rips No More tears
I am fully free
When will I choose to leave the chaos behind?
The infinity circle is here, but time will tell if it's good or bad
So I Fall to my knees and put my head to the ground
I followed the light, and let it be so bright
Everlasting happiness
This is what I seek within this world
Temporary as It seems
With whims and desires
Sadness comes and goes
Teardrops fall from happiness and sadness
And let me breathe
Full of life, I need
Blessed be life full of bliss and insanity
So finally let us breathe
Within the doom we see
Finally will I ever be free?
To allow Serenity to flow inside me
To bring peace to the mind and soul
Follow the way you seek
What is humanity but perfectly imperfect
We are but flawed
But we will not get us down
For we have Allah
So be not afraid to stand in the darkness
Light will always come
That is Hope

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