Monday, May 31, 2021

be free

Where ya m in the milky way
Diea it seem to end?
Not escaping, tarnished
Unable to breath
My voice cannot escape the darkness
Even within daybreak
I do surely bend
Barely holding together
Feeling so jealous
That others get to end
To pass on
Hey here I am
Unable to break the brim
Unable to seam within the wind
Here I reckon
It's it time to stand
High in the sky
What's meant for thew
With the insanity
I scream
Cut so harshly
Consume say deadly deeds
Am I ready?
Let's see. Will this happen within me
To be lost within Self
Don't forget to teach for the stars
Ready set go
Another day to flee, fight, or freeze
Plea always
Be free

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

wrong way

Instantly something triggers it
What is this what has it come to be
From suffering suddenly to frequently to absolutely ballistic
You find yourself crying so much that now it burns your skin as each tear drops
God forbid youself that you cry in front of another person
Because you feel ashamed of the tears
It doesn't matter anymore
Life is about suffering
And suffering more and more
And maybe all those times they said those voices in my head
Maybe they were right
Maybe there is no light
Shrouded in darkness in the loneliness hits
Screaming so loudly at society to help
Not finding any relief within the solidude
Medication doesn't work not for long and not here to there
Do you know so loudly what the mind sees I finally see
I finally know how to say
Going on a merry go round round and round on the fun house now seeing as the shapes move around in the light flashes color and all
Not knowing what to do
It's like being bought a checked into the ground right into the heart
You don't know what it's meant to be
Is this really what reality is?
I rather live in the illusion even though it harms me more so why do I have to live with both
Not finding many things to ponder on just the same things over and over again
Annoying as the mind sees
Trying to escape the box that's been dropped on you
Screaming so silently and nothing hears you but the darkness that be
And you seek solitude with your lord
Does this mean that the schizo has come to be that you have been losing self for so long
You're no longer the person that you were
You've lost self
This is the last try for now
The last hope
Because what's the point after this session 43 times and 13 years that's too many to count on one hand
So many medications and so much therapy I can teach it now I teach it to many so
I'm stuck here out of my mind letting the rage carry on
Burning the bridges as I go as they hold me so
People look at me in my life so lovely
Same but oh you're so happy
Can I not be happy and sad at the same time
Just the sadness is more the majority
We all put up walls to have our fake personality out
It's best to think positive after all
So with this positive thought indeed
May Allah Heal all your ailments Ameen


It burns, cutting through blood flesh skin and bones
To feel the madness
Drift in
Wanting nothing but serenity
Here I am Disneyland at the edge
Leaning as though
I want to fall
Truth is I'm falling already
Running through emotions every moment
Every second
Ever breath
I fall to the ground and do Dua
Not for self, but for others
They need it more
I try to remember
More and more
That I'm needed
But the dreaded deeds
Deem me so
They flesh is comprehended
Ready to be tarnished
Ready to let Go
As the tears burn the skin
Jeopardize my sanity
As the mind sees
The illusions are near and dear
Nothing to help me
No doctors
No family
No friends
Lonliness kills
Am I ready?
For the blade
Swiping across the life line
Ready me on a bloody mess
I'm finally free
Falling is the rest
Ready set Go

Saturday, May 8, 2021


Where do we find ourselves, but lost often far from eman.
Following the darkness of the heart
Far from purification
Didn't you know
Look into your heart do Dua
But of sincerity let it clean the sorrow away
So we always know
Allahu alim
Let it be let it be
Some hardships seem the worse
Remember one who suffers most in this life, has smaller sins forgiven
For Allah is just, and merciful
Dua meant so we can ask the all mighty
To bring ease
To have hope
To help others
To bring truth
To conquer the najs nafs
Dua is but supplication to the pure Almighty
And let it be let it be from the heart to the soul that's deemed by God 
So let's plea from the heart from the sincerity of the soul
For everyone is needed of this and is recommended for us
Some may think as though it's not meant to be
That you are lowly indeed
Do not fret of what they think, they don't know your heart
Only Allahu knows
With this in our intent
You will feel the Noor
Perhaps the sincerity of supplication
It will be accepted and returned
Inshallah God willing
Hope for me, hope for them
 Hope for humanity
Do not forget we are the caretakers of this planet
Our food comes from it
So treated as you would another
To remember to love someone as you would love yourself
Remember the gratitude
With this please find peace

Friday, May 7, 2021


Running scared not knowing where to go
You want to find peace but all you find is destruction
Your longing for peace but all you find is solitude
With the bitterness it takes you away from the light
I want to help myself but sometimes I can't do it alone
No one is on my side I'm all alone
To find peace forever more
Only to have the rage consuming ever so
Finding your way to home again only to bring a horror with you
She said she broke it you broke it you broke it don't you see
Of course I see
Just because I'm blinded by The rage don't hate me
Carnage is here and the desire to hate
I'm hitting self is better than hating most
Has each year drips down burning my skin
I'm falling into the darkness
Not a rope or a latter for me
I guess this is what is willed for me
So I will let this be and be