Saturday, May 8, 2021


Where do we find ourselves, but lost often far from eman.
Following the darkness of the heart
Far from purification
Didn't you know
Look into your heart do Dua
But of sincerity let it clean the sorrow away
So we always know
Allahu alim
Let it be let it be
Some hardships seem the worse
Remember one who suffers most in this life, has smaller sins forgiven
For Allah is just, and merciful
Dua meant so we can ask the all mighty
To bring ease
To have hope
To help others
To bring truth
To conquer the najs nafs
Dua is but supplication to the pure Almighty
And let it be let it be from the heart to the soul that's deemed by God 
So let's plea from the heart from the sincerity of the soul
For everyone is needed of this and is recommended for us
Some may think as though it's not meant to be
That you are lowly indeed
Do not fret of what they think, they don't know your heart
Only Allahu knows
With this in our intent
You will feel the Noor
Perhaps the sincerity of supplication
It will be accepted and returned
Inshallah God willing
Hope for me, hope for them
 Hope for humanity
Do not forget we are the caretakers of this planet
Our food comes from it
So treated as you would another
To remember to love someone as you would love yourself
Remember the gratitude
With this please find peace

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