Monday, January 17, 2022


Falling into darkness unable to comprehend
The rapid emotions conquer the soul
As a rapture comes to the heartbeat that beats
To feel within the universe this energy
As it moves within you
Do you know what you feel
That it may be one thing
It calls you
It guides you that light that hope
What's meant to be is full of happiness
One just has to obtain it
It's been written in the words
That came before us
That was revealed to the prophets before us
That carried the message to us
To pray, to seek refuge with one Lord
The almighty that is Allah 
Allahu Akbar God is the greatest
Let you fall and seek refuge in the Lord from the accursed Satan
For his whispers will come at you from every direction
And they will rip into your heart and soul
Be not wavered by them
For those whispers will always be with you
Until time stops for you you will always hear them in your heart
But from the time that you breathe air
For when Allah blew breath into Adam
For he began humanity for we are the children of Adam
Let yourself be guided to the truth
If you seek it you shall find
Open your heart to the one and only Allah
And let it be let it be in this world full of insanity
That my heart is guided to Noor
I shall speak truth always
And as my emotion bears my heart on my sleeve
I am destined to believe always and Allah you see
So follow me follow the lord follow the word follow the way
That is Islam

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Take My breath away
Stuck here quivering my soul
Complicating if suicide is the way
To finally set me free
From this chaotic Bliss indeed
To dance so fragile ready to break
As every emotion siphons and rips through me
Here I am wandering into Bliss
To allow the crimson desire to burn
And I'm ready to play with my right hand to cut away the darkness
To feel pain instead of rapid emotions
The chaos is here near and dear
Care to stare
Dare you stare and judge me so
You never walked in my shoes so do not despair
I reckon I'm right with the blade
I went a year without so
But here I am holding the blade in my hand ready to let go
What shall I do what will come of this day
Is the chaos destined for me
I want eternal Bliss
To let the insanity take control
Once again in the cycle of chaos that Infinity circle of Doom
Mania on the brink
Rage banking at the desire
Dare to shout out and scream
Instead I went for within the solitude of silence
I cannot break away from these desires
So I write
And write
Wondering this is meant for me
This chaos that I seem to feel constantly
One pill two pill three pill more
The fall came and went and so did 95% of the meds too
Am I betterless medicated
Stress stress here I come
What will come will it ever end 
Will tonight be the night
Perhaps there is no end
Trekking on in the cycle of chaos
So let's not pretend

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Mania Bliss

At the start line begging to go
Chaos on the run
Up up to cloud 9
Does this define me what I am in this time
Walking on darkness into the abyss
The emotions roll into the mist
To feel what it means to be insane in the membrane
One pill two pill three pill four don't know what to do mania for this
Medication to the brim
Unable to feel
Wanting the lobotomy in my brain
Tired of mania running my life
As the emotions roll off my tongue
The vulgar chaotic rage controls
Then the subdued feelings hit
Falling into the darkness
Fighting with all the emotions
As too much happiness leads to mania
I swallow my antidepressant thinking it will help conquer the darkness
One pill two pill medication more
Therapy skills to conquer it more
To write your heart out pen to paper
Can I comprehend what this insanity is?
Losing myself losing my sanity losing my mind
To be at such a crossroad in life if you should slit your throat or cut your heart open
Ready to bleed and do you need to see what's in this insanity
I dare you to peek in my mind
Chaotic wonderous Bliss of rage
Carnage hatred destruction peace
Peace wanted within the heart
Working towards kindness to another
There's not enough kindness in my heart to be nice to myself
Here on the inside I'm bleeding my soul is chaotic
Is this is what's destined to me?
Stuck with insanity
Wondering when the mania will end?
Back home soon home is where the heart is
Off to see the doctor for some unwanted Bliss
What will be next to dismiss