Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Dismiss darkness

Broken Beyond dreams
Unable to see
Wanting to need
The desires that be
Pondering upon Time
What will come in the end?
Darkness lingers, sweeping in the doom
Walking within the mist
Surely to dismiss
The unhappiness that conquers
Heart and soul ripped from being
Walking into chaos
Waiting for the doom
Wanting nothing but for darkness to end
Where to go from here?
I call upon the God almighty
To grant me the serenity of my heart
To give me courage to fight the darkness
And here it comes knocking
That light that comes
To consume self
To let the light flow
Finding peace ever so
Wanting the solitude to end
For I am alone
For I am not afraid, for Allah is by my side
I call upon thee Lord
My supplication to him only
Clashing serenity clashing chaos
Where to go from here?
To follow the Noor
Or the darkness
Let there be peace with this sanity
Here on a path
Wanting nothing more
But for serenity to consume
Will this ever come to be?
Upon this time of insanity

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