Sunday, December 27, 2020


 Brighten this

Wondering upon thy deen

Am I stuck within

Insanity breaking the bend

walking into the sunnah

once and always wanting

striving as we all do

Strive for Allah, to please

To strive for him alone

Allahu Allahu Allah

Shall I savor, what is in this bliss

A sweet, homing wanting craveing


For peace, reckon this is what life is

Be content with what you have


We all struggle, its our jihad

Please dont forget your dua

I know I have, still I strive against the whispers

My heart can be still, but Allah gives it breath, life, hope

Allahu I am not afraid 

I stand upon my destiny want nothing for it happen

I pray Hope Need and fall

Not knowing what to do

keep on searching

3ilm will find you

have an open mind

Don't forget to strive better self, to care for humanity as we live 

Breath protect this green earth

We are the care takers as Allah has proclaimed we be

Start acting like one

With subbitmitting


God grant me serenity

To give me Hope

And allow me kindness

It shall reap

Upon the living, all the breaths are affectec by thee Allah indeed

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