Tuesday, November 28, 2023

where do I stand

Slumber slumber into the night we go
Ecstasy for the high
Pulling myself down
Depression to the max
Solitude for the mode
Unable to comprehend why
Unable to cope
Wanting something more
Here wanting finding
The journey goes on
Two stars collide causing a climax
As the ripples within the water rumble
To hear the roar
Of the chaos of the heart
Wanting something more
The darkness sweeps in
Swallowing the light
I can hardly breathe
Suffocation attire
Will I have freedom?
The torments of my mind
Burden my heart so
I take the flame
To cover the flesh
Corrupt to the heart
Here I am a disaster
Coming from all directions
The darkness sweeps in
Unable to cope
This night is a torment
Has the water drops down
Heaps of tears roll down
Why must I be this way?
Can I not find peace
Something to conquer
All The nasty desires
Unable to comprehend
Here I am wondering the night sky
The Ecstasy of the night
Shall I truly breathe my final breaths?
I truly want to slumber into the eternal night
To be ripped two
For the light is here
Do I fall, do I climb?
Climbing the stairs
The hardship of the desire
Holding on to hope
The disaster is near
The light it shines so brightly
That darkness begins to dim
As the sheets of light consume me
Am I free?
Free to be me, full fledged schizoaffectic maniac freak
Let me scream, shout out
Can I be free of the desires?
Follow the light they say
Keep the light close
My heart yearns for more
The everlasting slumber calls me
I fight with all my heart
Not to give in to the darkness
To seek the light always
Even when the darkness wants to consume
The light shall come knocking
To tear down any doors
That lead to destruction
So come with me
Let's fall to our knees
Doing dua
Asking for the supplications
Hoping for something more
Finding peace of mind
Will peace be free?
Or is peace unlimited
I shall stand tall against the darkness
Bringing in the light
Breathing in deep breaths
Hoping for something more
Acquiring hope, acquiring the light
This is peace
Hopefully it will last
Uncertain of what to do next
Please let me conquer what is to come
Standing tall
Breathing in peace
Allowing the light to consume
Finding solitude
Finding peace
That is what truth is

Sunday, November 26, 2023

something more

Once upon a star 
I call to you
Will you feel my emotions?
Will the end come?
Keeping my mind on the hope
Something more something needed
The light consumes me
Everlasting bliss
Will this last?
I ponder too truly wander
Today I breathe
Tomorrow I suffocate
Falling star
Wishing for the dream to come true
Happiness is what I want
Walking the distance
Hoping for sanity
Wondering what will come tomorrow
Arise to a new day
With different emotions do they sway
Once upon a Time
According to the star that shines
Happiness is but an illusion
Delusion of what is to be
I follow the light
To bring my soul to the clear path
Shall I slumber?
A sleepless night to come
Upon the stars that shine
Upon the time that be
Hoping for happiness
Getting the results
Up and not down
All together now
Emotion here and there
To follow the path
To the fork in the road
The right or to the left
I follow the way
I follow the light
What path that takes me to
Will it bring happiness?
I call upon the stars that be
Will you save me from my insanity?
I finally breathe
Followed by a smile
To bring hope
To bring happiness
Never separating
Shall I bend down to pray?
Upon this time I shall be
Thanking the stars that be
To save me from my insanity
Let me pray
To the one and only
Where hope is found
Where happiness resides
Upon the time to tell
As time goes on
I shall pray
Forever lasting light
Forever and ever more

Thursday, November 23, 2023

uncertain destiny

Walking down the path
Waltzing to Destiny
Can I feel my way through?
Stop drop emotion
Where to go from here?
Running on a railroad
Wanting everything to end
Stuck in the cycle
Chaos of the heart
Uncertainty is here
To bring it near
Upon this time to tell
1 2 3
Four five six
Running on the railroad
Coming to an end
Shall I die?
Does this define time
Wasted as it be
Uncertainty takes me
Will I finally breathe
Will I finally need
Ready set Go
It's time to let the river go
To run down the stream
Truly I shall scream
What is happening to me?
Fallen but not graced
Unable to comprehend
The cycle goes on
The chaos of the heart
Let me need, levitate me
Shall I truly be free
Speak to me, guide me
Down the path I go
Uncertain to the max
Down the path I go
Wondering what will come of this
As the flame wanders on
Scorching what the darkness wants
I follow the path
Uncertain as it may be
Uncertain as I need to be
Well I truly need serenity
To follow the path
Finding certainty on serenity
Let me breathe those lovely breathes 
Shall I be truly free
Does this define me?
Finally just breathe, be free

Sunday, November 19, 2023


The mood of the room
Feels despair, where to go
Upon this time to tell
Once upon the twine
Shall I mend to feel
All these emotions
Running through me
Like a sheet of icicle
Ripping, ramming what is this destiny
With me, am I free
Am I suppose to dream?
Will I consider the emotions
Shall I surrender?
To the will, of who
Intertwined with my will
My Lord comforts me
It's the race mirage at bay
Where you go, but to the light
Don't dread of the najs deeds
For I redeem myself
Am I supposed to be able to conquer all?
I'm falling down to the ground
Pledging my loyalty
That there is one
Only one
That is Allah
For he shall save me
These emotions that run at me
To keep them at bay
With but a plea, a dua
To breathe finally
To be free, to want something more
Following the Noor
Hopscotch to the Bay
For the light shall surround darkness
Leaving life full of uncertainty
Of the times that be
Have some hope
For tomorrow shall never fade

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

being of Destiny

Running on the railroad
Not knowing what to end
Follow the Dragon to never never Land
Climb the ladder, define Cloud 9
Wanting nothing more but for serenity
The internal chaos that seems
What but an Infinity
As it shines brightly
Forming one another
Glimmering light it seems
Switching the vision to be
Pattern here and there
Light that reflects all
Pattern near truly not so dear
Dread to the max
Unable to cope
What you do from here?
Screaming in my head
What to do from here?
Pleaing with the Lord 
The needy that I be
Stuck in the chaos
The circle that goes on
To ponder upon Time
To point logic at this source
Am I here?
Do I matter?
Will I ever have serenity?
To keep on striving
To fight the good old fight
In the everlasting war
Destined to be, solely but purely unique
I am destined to be, stuck in this insanity
Shall I be content with this?
One can only hope, that something comes from the disaster
Has the pieces seem to fall in place
After all the harm has been done
One hopes
One needs
I truly desire, something that makes my mind clearly
So I seek the truth 
Always in my heart
What is but peace
Bringing serenity
What I truly need
So let's have destiny
For God said be, and that's all I can do but be
Full-fledged maniac
Supercalifragilisticex schizophrenic
A breath of fresh air
Sweeping in the darkness blowing out the light
Surely this is his might?
To seek refuge always
Life may be what it seems
Lose not hope
That is needed
Be free to choose to be content
Thanks to God we are here
Even within the schizophrenia
I am but being within this destiny

Friday, November 10, 2023

Destined Bullets

Blissful is the day, to be taken down by the nafs
Rolling by like bullets on the drive by
Self-inflicted emotional damage
Side by side does it define
Bursting at the brim
Simmering ready boil
Ready not done
Blowing the top
Construction to the heart
The blueprints burnt to a crisp
Holding on to the insanity
Craving for the chaos
Waiting for Destiny
Shall I be free? 
From this insane insanity
Let me breathe
Those deep breaths
To conquer the najs desires
To hold it tight, that light
The Noor to hope
Holding tight is my breath
Fear of the suffocation
Hoping for serenity
To heal the heart
To conquer the anger
To seek the wisdom
To want peace
Everlasting peace
This is what is destined

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Dare to Desire

 stop drop mania

on the bend

ready to mend

time to send

upon dismay

shall I pray

upon this plea with insanity

will this be

Let me see

the deeds that be

whatever I need

shall be for me

despair of a desire

To want to overcome

to bring the bend

to the mend

upon a time to tell

will I be free

destined to be free

bliss filled meadows

calling me

sweet melody 

blessed I be