Sunday, November 26, 2023

something more

Once upon a star 
I call to you
Will you feel my emotions?
Will the end come?
Keeping my mind on the hope
Something more something needed
The light consumes me
Everlasting bliss
Will this last?
I ponder too truly wander
Today I breathe
Tomorrow I suffocate
Falling star
Wishing for the dream to come true
Happiness is what I want
Walking the distance
Hoping for sanity
Wondering what will come tomorrow
Arise to a new day
With different emotions do they sway
Once upon a Time
According to the star that shines
Happiness is but an illusion
Delusion of what is to be
I follow the light
To bring my soul to the clear path
Shall I slumber?
A sleepless night to come
Upon the stars that shine
Upon the time that be
Hoping for happiness
Getting the results
Up and not down
All together now
Emotion here and there
To follow the path
To the fork in the road
The right or to the left
I follow the way
I follow the light
What path that takes me to
Will it bring happiness?
I call upon the stars that be
Will you save me from my insanity?
I finally breathe
Followed by a smile
To bring hope
To bring happiness
Never separating
Shall I bend down to pray?
Upon this time I shall be
Thanking the stars that be
To save me from my insanity
Let me pray
To the one and only
Where hope is found
Where happiness resides
Upon the time to tell
As time goes on
I shall pray
Forever lasting light
Forever and ever more

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