Monday, February 9, 2015

Ha HA ha

he he ho he he ho
laughter is joyus oh joyus indeed
it comes from the heart
though some mistake indeed

actually some may disagree that from the brain it comes
thoughts are molded
and then the grin is formed
soon after laughter happens
he he he he
ha ha ha ha
sniffle sniffle
tears of joy come laughter as well

But what is the cause
I guess we will never know
its in the bones that we humans have
some animals can laugh but none but the greatest animal the human can justify the true snicker
the true laughter

their are diffirent kinds indeed
evil laughter such as
or little innoccent kiddie laughter
he he he he
or good ole laughter of anykind will do
oh ho ha ho ha ha ha ha

so my friend will you laugh with me around the world in the times ahead so we have a grand ole time
and keep our heart light
kindered spirits we are my friends
laugh onward indeed

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