Sunday, February 8, 2015

No Hate

I am brought to tears that i seen on this vast nation of the web
I thought we are past all this hate towards us
Boy was I wrong
Sure we lesbians don't get as much hate as others
Men ooo that's sexy I'd bang them both
Hate to break it to you
They are lesbians
Look it up
They only like women
Want someone to Fuck
Go to a bar pick up the many straight women out there
Don't waste your time on us

Fuck Hate of all kinds but mostly Homophobia
its the new age is it not
Why are we still dwelling on such petty hate such as homophobia
Why must their be tears from PFLAG  for loses of their children
As chumbwamba said Homophobia is the worse disease cant love anyone in times like these
Why not
I hate when your talking to uneducated person when they take about homosexual agenda
What agenda we just want acceptance
And rights the same you

Was it the black agenda when Black Americans stood up for their rights and marched

But even now in the Americas known to be first world
Black Americans face racism
Really seriously

Why must their be so much hate towards what is different
We are all the same inside
So why so much hate
Fuck hate
Mother nature made me this way
She made you the way you are
Be you straight gay lesbian bisexual pansexual transsexual queer asexual

I address you haters I dare to bring you hate to me and my poetry
Everything you through at me
Will be rebuttal back to you
Nothing will get me down
I have family
And community

I see the straight agenda
You want to cause division within us so we hate each other
Its not going to work
Because Love conquers all
I love myself
I even love the haters
I feel pity for their tiny small minds
can you not expand and look past it
its just Love that we have
We would love to share it with you
under the rainbow of Hope

So will you now dance with me
Dance across the field of joy
away from hate
March on courageous ones
Show your pride
We need to do so
in this world until everyone is free to Love
So i leave you with this
Expand your mind
Love your family
Love a stranger
because you don't know
what is really needed
So when cast judgement stop think process
And refer to Homophobia and reflect
I leave you with this

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