Monday, April 25, 2016

Glimmering Stare

you creep upon me
once upon a time there was time when i was free of you
yet here i am standing there
pondering wondering why oh why
am i left staring so blankly at the sky
I'm not staring at the blue sky but the glimmers of soft light as the sun reflects and shines
Glimmers here and there
What have I done to deserve such hateful stares as the glimmering faces stare upon me

There look there
whats upon this light but a glimmer i fall to my knees
shaking my head
as tears run down my face
I want to flee but everywhere i go they are glimmering there staring at me
even when i close my eyes there imagines haunt my mind
will this ever end
Glimmer on
Glimmering always as the light shines
Take the blade to the life source
Take control
You must take the blade cutting the ropes that is hanging you
as you gasp for breath you are freed
even with the glimmering faces staring upon thee do you recall
a time when you were free of such a stare
it was not long ago

Don't let the glimmering control your actions
don't let the fear rule over you
you are strong
Stronger than anything they throw at you
your crawling to the end to the light but be free
you are strong
Glimmering comes and goes remember they don't last forever
never give up
Keep on striving your worth it

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