Friday, April 22, 2016

Positive postition

Try they say
work hard they say
emotions are unsettling
am i at balance?
I'm trying to conquer them all
I'm trying to recall the good and bad
today did i recall both
hardship of the past
its been 22 years yet it hurts like its yesterday
will this pain ever stop
when will the grief be gone from my heart

now unsettled i am
emotions up down all around
cast me out into that ocean
be that pebble
causing ripples
be them good or bad

there is a time to be good
what is good
well i ought to say be positive to self and then to others
I love myself i like to think
I'm terrified of what i might become without love
Cutting out love
slicing out the light
feel that darkness consume
feel the hate take over

I don't know what to do
People hurt me so
I'm strong
I'm proud
in who I'm becoming
Hope wraps around me so
causing doubt to drop from me
causing hope light freedom to conquer my heart

what can i do but remember the good ole days
think of tomorrow
hope for today so tomorrow doesn't fade away
i wont give up
i know the darkness wants me to too
and shadow is there laughing at me
don't let the emotions rule you
don't let the disorder own you
Shadow is here to soothe you
but out some Rainbow of hope to save you from your self
don't forget these
they are written on your heart
write your heart out always
lest we never forget the past
but live for tomorrow
be happy
you deserve it

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