Saturday, April 30, 2016

Running from them

Tears tears reinforced by fears
Fears fears unkind acts are molded
Tactics and skills
Reach out they say
Safe places be everywhere
Unsettled are the emotions unbalanced they seem
Why isn't the medication working why isn't it helping
Unknown is tomorrow our the next hour
Tick tock goes the hour clock
Hot on the wire
Cat got your tongue
Why not reach
So to say I have not met the man who reaps by souls each min
Soon this shall pass
Slumber awaits
If the voices and Snickers don't fetch your instability insanity tonight
Perhaps shadow laughs at you for putting them at bay
You can run but never can hide
Shadow knows all too well
Fight the darkness
Open to the light
Light in the heart
Run run far away
From the emotions from the fears from you
Your self me I myself and I unknown is tomorrow
Sleep tonight
Please try for self
Don't give in
Save your breath for tomorrow
Hope and faith for tonight will be rough
Tomorrow comes a new day
New emotions new events new fears
So catch your breath
And breath...

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