Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Write your heart out

Emotions flood my mind
unable to break free
its like im chained to hell
with burning lava at the base of me
im sinking in it
as i melt

I feel as though thats me
I disapppear into the nights sky
as a wisp
I strong
you need to change they say
I am changing
for the better
but im not changeing what you want me to change

Im still sick
i believe i will always be this way
as my emotions flood over me
i make rash choices
i result to blade to skin
swallowing the darkness
cutting slicing out the light

this is how i vent
I take pen to paper
and i write
is it not better to write than to cut

live life
on lifes terms
cast the pebble across the ocean of emotions
dont drown in them
be afloat in your boat

I put up my walls my fuck you walls so to say
to protect myself
you hurt me so with that gaze
I have my badges on my arms
my home made scars
from my pain
from my terror
fighting the demons
locking myself up
locking my heart

what to do
knock knock
devil at the door
knock knock
slash i slit my throat
out goes the light
in goes the darkness
this but thoughts that tremble my mind
I shall be strong
Dont let the labels rule you
dont let the disorder own you

do i deserve to live
often goes through my mind
these days not so much
things are getting better
light is on myside
fuck you walls are breaking down
I can conquer anything
im not alone
im free
im me
im strong
I maybe Borderline
I maybe Depressed
maybe sick
maybe healed
maybe this or that
but im trying
i dont know why
but it gets better
its truly does

So follow me
past the ocean
past the deserst
to the meadow
with the flowers
the serenity
the road
to the heart
where balance is
so dont lose your hope
because i trust myself
even if im bad because i have my outlet always
pen to paper
write the emotions
write your heart out

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