Thursday, March 20, 2014

The word

be this word that was left
swallow me whole
my heart but weeps joyus tears to the heart and soul
thank you oh lord for guiding me to this place of worship
Oh Abba holds me tight
from the clutches of satan
For satan tries to break Gods grasp on me
it but lingers in the mist of deseption
my faith shall not waiver
again i hear that fowl snicker of the old dirty devil
but not here
not in this place of worship and praise
Remeber to keep faith in God
Trust our lord and savior Jesus
For he died for our sins
so we could go on living in this world of fools
so read that word read the new the good news
for it was given to us by out Lord
Worry not for God is on your side
Trust in God always

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