Saturday, March 8, 2014

What life is meant to be...

I love life
Sometimes i take such for granted
just like my brethen
I have come a long way
I am now able to reconize the darkness the emptiness
dont getme wrong just like all it still happens
but now im able to feel the light unto my heart
and reach for the sky arms in the sky
praises God almighty for placing me here right now
at this time i finally understand somewhat
im learning more and more each day
making friends as i go
i yearn for the conversations the ilm
knowledge bested for your sisters and brother within christ
I have decided to take my deviant side
and control it for a good because God so loved the earth he sent his only begotten son to be sarcerficed for all of our sins
I feel this light
each time i praise remeberance and worship thy Lord and Savior, im not afraid to name him Jesus Christ Lord
Some people are afraid of offending someone so they will just refer to the Father, but you cannot knowth thy father without knowth Christ Jesus
So my Savior Jesus my Lord what have you for me al qadar you say
pre destiny so my path is already written but you fool me and smile its not for my concern
I understand now that i read the word that water is need for baptism
i thought spiritual was good enough
but the word was said by the Lord Jesus that without spiritual and water ye shall not be saved
Truly we dont know if we are saved fully
in the end we stand before God the Father and Jesus Son of God
and we will find out then if we truly were saved after years of assuming such
but my friend in Christ
worry not
just pick up the word
and read daily
take the word and reflect
live to him according and be just and rightous so be that shall God be with you when your time hath come
its been a while for me like ten years since i read the word
so im so blissful and happy to be taught once again by the word now that my wall has broken and hardened heart was made to flesh
so sisters and brothers
what will you do when faced upon that sin
will you strive to please our Lord or your very whims
God only knows
but remember without him you truly have become lost from humanity
and sanity will lose its grasp to hope
So to avoid such
Read and seek the ilm the knowledge
even its a verse a day read and remeber without him you shall lose and perish within fire
so seek knowledge and understanding that compassion and rightisnesss is those who practice such is close to Lord but without the Holy spirit to guide your every being you will not find it
So hold onto your Hope for your Sanity is near it

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