Monday, June 23, 2014

Lost but Found

I trust in the Lord with all my heart
Dont lose your hope for you sanity is near it
Do you have Hope
But feel it slipping from your grasp
Do not worry
Fall to your knees and seek fogiverness
Beg your Lord to be mericful
Let the Holy Spirit embrace you
So that you can feel the lord

Lord I know I have sinned against you
But I beg you to guide my heart
I repent to you alone
and can only Hope that you will accept my repentance

Trust in the word to guide you
Rest in Gods promises and trust in God and self

We think we invinsble
but we are weak
we are but flesh

We follow the shepard through the word
That is the bible
Some refer to psalm and some to hebrews

the word is living
in you and I and everyone
Remeber to live a holy pious life
Live as though today is your last
it could be you never know when God will call you back
So I leave you with this little reminder my friends

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