Wednesday, February 18, 2015

New to old and overcoming all

Victory we have it now
Dead and die inside the bodies
once upon time in time
we didn't have to be half starved to be beautiful
after all isn't it in the eye of beholder
i thought we teach our children to not judge others by their looks but by their actions

Don't judge a book by its cover after all
it may be a good read
taking on the edge of the seats
as each page touches your fingers like
the crows feet on older women
or cracked hands of working individual
they all are ripples in destiny
telling stories
like smile lines on a face
does that mean that person was happy the majority of their life
or just being a fake
you cant tell just by looking at them
but to interact with a person
open the book
sail the seas

back children
they can vile as they grow and more and more corrupted by society and judgement that society gives to youth
To carve words into you skin
to cut out the wounds
to swollen the darkness away
to eat binge until you explode
to purge from eating so much
to feel accepted in society
to starve ones self
to shoot up
to smoke
why do we should the youth to do this
because now more and more we see children maybe our own children
on the streets begging for their next fix
is it to escape reality as we know it

What is so different from what majority of young adults do now
numbing their mind mobile devices
kind of sad when your in a room with your friends not one word spoken
just rings and dingles and chimes
to pass the texting of society as we know it
when will we get past this and just breathe
listen and talk to one another

To go to a crowd and scream a thousand voices
no one will hear you because they so wrapped up in mobile land
of oh la la
Sex sells
but should we allow children to be exposed to sex
If we are against then we must shun them from popular music
the media we as we know it
that women even men must over sexualitied to curve someones interest
in one another
so young i have heard of child brides
over seas
is that right
i think not now
maybe back in Christs time it was
but not in today's society is it accepted
so we condemn them
yet when a person is caught exploiting a child with sex or engaging child porno we hardly give them slap on wrists then send them on their merry way
to corrupt more souls more Innocent ones
how is that justice
should we leave it up to the see called God for just acts in so called afterlife
that's but Alice in wonder land heaven does know I'm miserable now

Does heaven really matter
your small mind cannot expand if you live your life to want to go to heaven
cannot you just do a justice act kindness and humble deed without God giving you something in return
I myself do deed for the betterment of my own mind to keep me stable
yes i was one to write love on her arms
not anymore the scars are only witness to my act of self harm
and they will be my last next to my word
but i will speak against anyone who influences another to do it
to want that hatred of self to explode until nothing if left but bones

Like a starving child in the third world
or raped child in the first world
its all the same
wreck a child and you turn them into destructive force
but we can over come the Medias hate towards what is different
i couldn't change myself even if i wanted too
why should for society to accept me
when i have already loved myself whole for who i am
I will speak out against any hate toward children youth young adults and the elders
we are the new generation
don't fall to the mobile silence
speak up
Speeches are formed
videos are made
and we in the underground shall rise to the top and take over
for this is the new world
a new generation
Hope for today so it will bring a better tomorrow

Friday, February 13, 2015

Victory and Peace

I close my eyes
only to have my mind wander
into the nights sky
the universe is near the mind
for it can expand

I hate my mind at times
I tend to lose my mind at most times
as my doctor makes rash choices
he doesn't understand that I fear the darkness the most
emptiness lingers there shadows of the mind

I open my eyes for the tears are swelled up
dripping down my face
my glasses are fogged up
and I can barely see
my body, you think I would hate myself so
for the scars
I have hurt myself so much
that was the old me
I know how to overcome the emptiness
even if I'm lost within the midst of my mind
I'm still free
I'm beautiful
I smile
Its a kindness

Go to the mirror everyday and smile
say to your self I love you
I'm worth it
because if I'm worth it
so is anyone else who suffers from mental health issues
I want to be Solid like a Rock in the Ocean of Stars

The current can sweep you up
as every emotion run through your veins
I feel so different today
after all
new cocktail of meds
I can't cry anymore
I am trying
I want to give up
I wont
because I'm stronger than that
I was victim
then a survivor
now truly a warrior

So Warrior
With you battle scars
grab you war paint
prepare your self
for the emptiness
the flood
of emotions
I shudder as goosebumps cover me head to toe

Now I must conquer my emotions
that is my struggle truly
my war paint is ready on my skin
I close my eyes with ease

Now catch a breathe in my sleep
deep breathes
nightmares haunt me but I'm a warrior
nightmares turn to dreams making the mind lighter
My mind is so out control with emotion that I feel unbalanced
I grew claws like were beast
the beast inside us all
slash go the claws at the monster inside me
holding onto my emotions to make them so unbalanced

I can hope these monsters has fled the scene for the beast inside of me is free
to protect me and my mind
my battle shows my scars
as this been happening for many years
but finally I'm free to be me
and more importantly
Love self
Love me
be at balance
and to harness the emotions so the tears don't burn the skin so harshly

I lacked in supports in the past
I was but a wall flower
but now I have the supports I need to conquer all
nothing will get me down
not even myself
I'm for once happy for my victory
Victory and Peace

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Shout and let it Out

Dedicated to my friend bunto

I hear the call
from the mountains
oh will hear the call with
as youth to elders shout on the top of their lungs
shout shout let it all out
we are heroes with no doubts

Firstly we must climb
one step at a time
over come the terror
over come the hate
such hate
its taught just like racism
we live in the new age yet we still face such a terrifying way

we must harness ourselves
never to be alone
even when we are in the dark
we are never without light in the night
Terror is near but we have
Love Guts Bearable Thoughts
ready to be there onto of the mountain to be shouted
to let it all out
on mount Everest
i don't care its it said to be impossible
nothing is for us
for we have

A rainbow tethered to us guiding our moves
So shout let it all out
i repeat shout
let it all out
your hate let it out
you must before you reach the top for hate will corrupt you
Hate will harm you
cur your heart open leaving nothing but emptiness
but we have hope
Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple
that is our hope

So climb that mountain
that's it
almost to the top
one more step
Mount that flag of hope
and Shout at the top your lungs

Remember this
Shout the best way you can
climb your mountain
and let it all out
You are never alone

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Fuck off

Dare you to fight me ì don't give two fucks

Self love

this poem is dedicated to camp Fyrefly thank you for the last decade

Self Love
I love myself
Many disagree with me
because they judge me ever so dearly
by what i wear or who i am
who I'm with or scars is the biggest issue of mine

Some people look at me and shake their heads with shame
To write love on her arms
i wasn't so lucky
love hadn't grasped me then
my mind was twisted
dare i say loser...
there be a beating heart of flesh inside that Fyre
some know what i mean
others are left with questions
i was a small wall flower i felt inside that no one would notice what greatness i had
but that Fyre erupted so many years ago truly
A decade has past since i first stepped up for myself
I went from being a wall fly to Fyrefly
full of light and bright with light and hope for tomorrow that it truly gets better

Tears of joy my friends
as las i ponder and wounder on and on about youth that is behind me that young little wall flies such as i was just waiting for hope, spirit, youth. friendship, love with spark that
Write love on your arm
I know i will forever have Fyre in my heart to pass onward to young lings
to write love on my arm the left one where the Fyre is in the heart spirit and mind

Speak out loud
I had troubles with that
I can have speeches ready in minutes in spoken word too my poetry is rebuttal to the haters any day
So take your hate you homophobes
be a slave to your small minds that cant expand
think outside the box
things are much vibrant out here
the world isn't so black and white

line me up with those colours on heart beating away
thump thump goes the beats
Speak up little ones
have a voice
Spark that Fyre
let it fly
Fly across the sky
Rainbow of hope
To love myself without words on my skin
To have Hope Faith Spirit Youth Life
and most important Love


To write love on your arm

Dare you

I date you to attack me does it look like I give two fucks

Monday, February 9, 2015

Ha HA ha

he he ho he he ho
laughter is joyus oh joyus indeed
it comes from the heart
though some mistake indeed

actually some may disagree that from the brain it comes
thoughts are molded
and then the grin is formed
soon after laughter happens
he he he he
ha ha ha ha
sniffle sniffle
tears of joy come laughter as well

But what is the cause
I guess we will never know
its in the bones that we humans have
some animals can laugh but none but the greatest animal the human can justify the true snicker
the true laughter

their are diffirent kinds indeed
evil laughter such as
or little innoccent kiddie laughter
he he he he
or good ole laughter of anykind will do
oh ho ha ho ha ha ha ha

so my friend will you laugh with me around the world in the times ahead so we have a grand ole time
and keep our heart light
kindered spirits we are my friends
laugh onward indeed


is this payback for what i did
But i was unstable
and what he did to me
he tortured my mind with love and then bashed me in and said lies to me
so i ended it with him
but i always found myself going back to comfort of his arms his voice his artificial love
oh Ismail will you forgive me for what i did to you
Please move on
this curse you have put upon me is so hurtful

I find myself wallowing in the darkness as tears flood around me
She said she wasn't ready for a relationship or dating
but reality it was me
she just didn't want to have one with me
because i found her again where was so lucky to contact her before
Fuck her
I don't her love
And she cant have my love

Love its important to share with your companions
I love myself and my family and friends
But i wanted a lover a girlfriend a wife a soul mate

i guess that was to hard to ask for
so back to chopping block
tears overpowered by hate

I hate myself at times i think
its myself and me and i
that is the problem
my demons inside
what more can i do
I take my cocktail of meds
to balance me out
to numb some emotions that over bearable
I go to see councillors
I take about my issues that bother me
so i don't go back to the old ways

at least I'm not alone
the jokes on you moon child
there are billions of star children to keep each other company
cant kick me down

I will always remember your light moon child as i basked in it often
perhaps ill find another moon child....
only time will tell

Sunday, February 8, 2015

No Hate

I am brought to tears that i seen on this vast nation of the web
I thought we are past all this hate towards us
Boy was I wrong
Sure we lesbians don't get as much hate as others
Men ooo that's sexy I'd bang them both
Hate to break it to you
They are lesbians
Look it up
They only like women
Want someone to Fuck
Go to a bar pick up the many straight women out there
Don't waste your time on us

Fuck Hate of all kinds but mostly Homophobia
its the new age is it not
Why are we still dwelling on such petty hate such as homophobia
Why must their be tears from PFLAG  for loses of their children
As chumbwamba said Homophobia is the worse disease cant love anyone in times like these
Why not
I hate when your talking to uneducated person when they take about homosexual agenda
What agenda we just want acceptance
And rights the same you

Was it the black agenda when Black Americans stood up for their rights and marched

But even now in the Americas known to be first world
Black Americans face racism
Really seriously

Why must their be so much hate towards what is different
We are all the same inside
So why so much hate
Fuck hate
Mother nature made me this way
She made you the way you are
Be you straight gay lesbian bisexual pansexual transsexual queer asexual

I address you haters I dare to bring you hate to me and my poetry
Everything you through at me
Will be rebuttal back to you
Nothing will get me down
I have family
And community

I see the straight agenda
You want to cause division within us so we hate each other
Its not going to work
Because Love conquers all
I love myself
I even love the haters
I feel pity for their tiny small minds
can you not expand and look past it
its just Love that we have
We would love to share it with you
under the rainbow of Hope

So will you now dance with me
Dance across the field of joy
away from hate
March on courageous ones
Show your pride
We need to do so
in this world until everyone is free to Love
So i leave you with this
Expand your mind
Love your family
Love a stranger
because you don't know
what is really needed
So when cast judgement stop think process
And refer to Homophobia and reflect
I leave you with this

Beware love ahead

Beware ahead there be feelings
Tore and Riped
My own fault
When we first dated you left me broken
Sliced out my heart like it was nothing

Why did i try so hard to win you back
To go through loss again
Ha love
Its a tricky thing to hold onto

Some spend a lifetime searching for a soul mate

I thought i found it within the harvest moon shining light
That's what i felt to be with her
So in sense this is a love poem
At least i know where i stand

Fuck Religions

Love has no boundaries
What does it matter its two consenting adults
So Fuck Hate

I'm free to love a women if i want

I'm bitter towards God
because he hates what i am who i am
So why should I worship him
Guess I will always be free to make my own choices

Thank you
Be safe
I'm trying but this draw back doesn't define me
I'm still me
I'm safe, free, smart, beautiful,and not ashamed to express my feelings and thoughts
Even my shame i will express
You must forgive yourself before others can forgive you

So love self first

Saturday, February 7, 2015


Where to start
its not just one thing
its surrounded by Light
That is also White for it all the colors
So wouldnt we want to surround ourselves with nothing but Hope

Fear not for fear is just out of reach
A grasp of breath within the midst of flowing Light
I know what is wrong with me
It digs bends the mind to clear to make peace
So i yearn for this. Its Logical.

Sometimes I find myself unable to bear so emotions
Call it being Hyper Sensitive
Fine label me
Medicate me to numb me
this happens
I know now that Light is shining upon me is what I need

So this Hope is one soul and spirit
Faith is needed for Hope
Wouldnt you agree that you would need faith for self improvness
God has no place in this
This Faith has no agenda

If you need a foundation for this Hope because you mind cant expand
This Hope can SAVE you
I know as it did for me
So if i must its the ultimate Light that is a Rainbow

Remember a Rainbow is symbol of Hope to many
Its something special
Close to self close to the heart

Hope don't lose that grasp

Close your eyes
Breath in and out
Deep breathes
we must relax
this is needed sometimes
We find ourselves so caught up that we forget compassion
Light Bright night with crescent harvest moon in the sky

Some people just don't care

But I care
Its a talent that i will share
So worry not that Hope shall be in your grasp as its in mine and not to far from yours
But this is for me anyways how I feel I need this
Bright Colorful Light Hope
To surround my every being it defines me
I finally feel right
It took me so to this absolute ilm knowledge

I hope I'm in the right I consider to in the light for darkness, emptiness, silence was in my heart
but light came a knockin....

So here we are wonder what is next
Share breath
Tell Scream Shout and let it all out
For Hope is here never to wilt

I hope that when i pass from this reality that my Hope bring Hope to another Lost one
I wont lie
I struggled
Only to realize
it will always there just within our grasp just waiting to be hugged
So turn turn to one another my friend
Take a minute once and while
to breath that breath and hug a companion or two
Smile don't forget its a kindness

Hope for Today  So its bring tomorrow...

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Raise the Flag

Come now young ones
Gather around
care for one another
we are all family here
brothers and sisters
under humanity

Today is special time to say
a tale one or two from the heart
it seems we cannot love anyone these days
as piss and blood hits the ground and i quote piss and blood hit the ground
you cant love anyone in times like these

A revolution needs to happen
and children its you who will lead the flags risen as the armies of one scream and shout to let it all out
how much hate and grief should be shrouded in darkness for us to wake up
In this revolution many will fall some will burn at the stake some will be hanged beheaded burned alive stoned to death.  Tears are on my cheeks as the burn as the tears drip

I don't know young ones old ones middles aged we all young in spirit so i address us all as young spirited ones
Young spirits are needed to lead to bash out the homophobia that out brothers and sisters face all around the world.
We have problem here in the first world with minor but hurtful ways
I read of a child experiencing homophobia because she has two mothers how is that fair to the child who now is independent young spirit who is making difference in this path this life so her past doesn't affect another.

A young man got addicted to drugs from the bar scene and overdosed
Cant we party without harming ourselves
Young spirits grab your flags we are free we must express through art music painting poetry spoken speeches dance

Dance you way to the top young free souls
We are the start of the revolution
without one voice one whisper one murmur there cannot be a motion to move forward
So will you go
beyond Gay
beyond Homosexual
beyond Heterosexual
And just be you
A young Spirit holding the flag of hope
those are our colors
our hope for tomorrow
spread it onward young ones
Hold that flag high as you lead on the revolution beyond Gay
Beyond straight
And be yourself first
Beat that judgement
Forgive yourselves
Love all
Love self
and most of all
Believe in self