Wednesday, January 27, 2021


Feeling so tired inside the mind
Why does it seem that, it feels like demise 
Doesn't mean that you're leaving self you no longer feel that you're right in the mind here 
We are not knowing what to do and some but not most suffer indeed and do you find that it might be insanity 
Yes there is coping skills and deeds, but sometimes even that doesn't do the deeds
 I find myself wondering into the night beyond my mind unable to swallow I'm at the brim
 Doesn't even matter anymore like I know that I am one but I find no community and such I'm just way too messed up for them way to messed up for society itself
Who climbed to the mountain of Mecca,
Where he was deemed to be to meet Gabriel indeed for the words of Allah is needed
So you got that right.
Checked monotheism is the best but I cannot deny what truth is
I cannot deny what the insanity that breaks me at the brim 
I choke on the darkness and I don't know if it's right or wrong
I want to fight, tryinf to fight but victory is upon me

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