Monday, January 18, 2021

So unknown

 I am not well

Here I am 

More insane as the moment goes by

At last I'm alone, but fear not for Allah is here

Remeber one who suffers most has betterment in jannah

What if you were like me?

Never wanting heaven nor reward

I do my good deeds reguardless of the reward God gives

Afterall we strive and if not for Allah, then who?

Self will not get you far, as many from the rooms say so

So what if it was built, the 12 steps by christians

Ever read the 12 traditions, niether race, creed, religion, nor politics

Why must we all break eachother down?

WE are meant to stride for the earth

After all we are the care givers, as Allah said so

For he created us so, from the clay of the earth

We are one with the earth, so why not care for her

She is one of the bringgers of life, water which is most of the human body

Soil for the greens to grow, to flourish with the glory of Allah 

Putting stars, universes galaxies together

The wonders of humanity

Perhaps they strive to find the unknown

Why not God?

We find him when we hit rock bottom

For he is the high power, so many seek

With his merifcifulness we will find hope

Follow the knowledge


Find truth

Leave the hate at home, away from your heart

Allah will comfort you, save you and love you more than your mother

Thank you Allah

Unknown as we are, we know 99 names

Their are so many more, I'm sure

Remeber we offer salat, not for Allah he does not need us

For self, to conquer your nafs

Have hope

That is With Allah

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