Friday, December 14, 2018

happy depressed

Happy and Depressed
This is something I been thinking on the past few days I started a new medication been on for a few months and its finally helping, don't get me wrong i still get depressed but its manageable now
Where am I?
Wishing upon a star
On a starlight sky
Feeling too much is a wonder
What will this current outcome be
I fall to my knees begging the powers that be to cure from this insanity
I'm left alone to bargain with that old devil
He is here in the heart
Never wanting to let go
His claws deep into your soul
Never was there to help
I take my soul to be burden free
This insanity binds me
Happiness is here
and that old devil losses his grip
The medication finally helps
One Pill
I reckon
Its been a long war
but it's not yet done
I cut and burn
Soon will it consume my every being
Not if I stay on this current path
I got the skills
to conquer the pills
Means nothing to my skills
For real
Remember to be mindful enough to ground
I'm sitting here
Steady my heart rate
For the devils
Let me be free
The Dank Darkness
Is gone for now
Happiness is here
Near and dear to the heart
Let the happiness consume the mind
Time will tell

Be patient...

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