Friday, December 14, 2018

having hope

Prairie Poet
To let the Crimson blood flow
Is that my destiny
Is it worthy to choose of this path
Up one way down another
These emotions are tiresome
They come and they go as a swift current into the Stream
Why must I beg for mercy from God
It seems to be an echo only meant for me
I Fall to my knees and I reckon it's me
I caused all this pain
Is it not fit that I feel it
What must I do next
Run to the old ways
Dare I say no
It's not meant to be
I feel it
The darkness The Emptiness the emotion
They say to fight the darkness and don't just fight but conquer the darkness.
I can't even conquer my own emotions
A prisoner Within These Walls
I bang on the walls as though they are nothing
But I built them up strong
Nothing can penetrate them not even me
Something that was meant to protect is now something
That bang
And another bang
Blood goes down my face
I'm near an end
Will just end my life for once
Will I live a life to wonder
I don't know what to do
I'm lost with in this fight
The light resides in the shadow
without the shadow of the light would not reside
So light shine bright
Overcome the darkness
Save me from it
All I am is lost for words
So this Mumble and jumbled
Hope light Darkness self harm self-love suicide reborn rebirth death life
So many things go through my mind
Have some hope

Prairie Poet

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