Tuesday, July 21, 2020


Suffocation is a must
Will this be what's next?
Pack, Push, Light, Inhale, Exhale
A slight feeling of serenity
To feel relief from the tarnished flesh that be's
Ready the knife, unless the high gets to you first
Am I ready?
To beat this?
I am stuck within the center
Edge walker, falling into the abyss
I am here, pondering upon reality
Is this meant to be
Can I be free
I am stuck with this deed, a deadly deed
Is meant to be forever, it's already been 11 years
I feel like I’m breaking free
From the chain that harness my will
I am here, ready to catch the fire
To inhale serenity, access my willingness to feel
Exhale all the darkness, can I harness this deadly deed
As the years go on and on
I am here, running from the addiction
It's clear as day, but I cannot see beyond the haze
It threatens my life, as I breath a breath of a deadly deed
So I can free of the true deadly deed

I am ready to fight the night, to conquer the soul

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