Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Sriving for uncertainty

Creating chaos at The rim
Unable to comprehend what worthwhile hope is
Am I valuable?
For I feel worthless
Stuck in the abyss
Wanting to dismiss
Despair reading its spear
To pierce the heart ever so
To devastate
To create chaos
Calculated chaos at the brim
Bursting at the seams not knowing what to do
I Fall to my knees calling to my Lord
Reckoning that the light will save me
Perhaps this is right indeed
The Noor is here
To follow the light
To know the light
To want the light
Wanting to strive on in this world of despair
Anxiety to the max, an old familiar feeling
Uncertainty that I will win
I strive on always
Stronger at every moment
Around the bend I go running from the darkness
Hoping for light to come
Finding that with my Lord indeed
For he is the light that I seek
Allah The Almighty
Blessed Be
From you to me
To bring serenity
To want happiness
To bring the peace
Stopping destruction
Wanting more
Striving on
Will this be it?
Here I am
Walking my path of destruction
But always striving for the Noor
Upon tomorrow to come
Rise each day blessing thy Lord
Bismillah to start
Alhamdulillah to end
What must I comprehend?
That be hope
Hoping for today 
So tomorrow doesn't fade
The haze is here
I am but lost, not no more
For the light shines on
Shining through the mist
Of my heart and soul
Shall I dismiss?
Perhaps time will tell
What the heart seeks
For the light is near and dear
For the darkness is familiar
So seek the light for you will find hope there in 

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