Monday, March 27, 2023

seek noor

Swallowing fear
Hoping to comprehend
The terror within the heart
As The whispers come so silently within the mind
As they scream so loudly
Why must this be this way
Stuck in the insanity of the abyss
Lost within the mist
But a beacon of light comes
That is peace of the heart
The soul that bears reckoning
From what is this light
As it comes knocking on door
Wanting to consume the darkness
To bring hope to the mind
Has the solitude brings despair
And who shall surely care
That shall be self
Self-love is needed
But I am defeated
So the light that I reckon
Will come to me
Even within this insanity
Wanting, needing, something that is right
Within this light
I shall deem what is right
To not disappoint
To break free
From this chaotic insanity
So I plea and plea
With the Lord Almighty
And that is light in itself
That is life
But a test without a struggle is nothing
To strive on
To conquer the darkness and to embrace the light
Perhaps that is what is needed
Within this chaotic world of insanity

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Artificial Bliss

Look to the sky
Will I cry?
Upon a time to come
Standing at the base
Hoping for solitude
These whispers conquer
Taking the heart, breaking to pieces
Stuck in the abyss
Shall I dismissed?
What will come
Of this insanity
I plea with this world
To hear, to see pass the illusion
Perhaps this is a delusion
Happiness but something that is gone
Artificial Bliss, what will come if I miss
Here within the doom
I shall devastate thyself
Reaper please come for me
The fight goes on
The everlasting war
Hear my Battle cry
As I scream so silently
So lightly
Let It Be
Within this of insanity
Will I be pleading with the Lord indeed
I call upon Allah
Save me from myself
For I am the destroyer
For I am the devourer
For I am a warrior
I shall Trek on
In this artificial Bliss shall I truly dismiss
To finally breathe so freely
So deeply
Let me breathe, pass the powers that be
Come on follow me
In the calculated chaos of this world
I shall not be defeated
I shall carry on
What will come of me
Time shall truly tell
Patience for the heart
Solitude within destiny
Let me breathe so deeply
Just breathe

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Foolish Warrior

Am I but a fool
Stuck in this foolish world
Unable to comprehend
Breaking into pieces
Crumbling at disaster
Despair within the heart
All of these things are here
Why must this be
Do I deserve this?
I hate myself
I do not love myself
For if I did I would not ready the blade
Despair conquers my heart
Hopelessness sweeps me into the darkness
Hate burdens me
What will come of this
Disaster will come
Maniac of Bliss
Shall I dismiss
Unable to cope
Shall there be hope
What is that
Where to find
Where to go
What is needed
That is light
To conquer the darkness
For hope will conquer all
Where to find this indeed
It's quite easy you see
Fall down and prostrate to thee Almighty
Worshiping so lightly
Ever so tightly
Does my heart feel
Hope is needed
Within the heart there is but a small light
Flickering within the haze
Almost going out
It shines brighter
What is this
That I feel
That is peace
That is Islam
Oh Allah
Have mercy on me
For the darkness conquers me
I'm ever so weak
With you Allah I am strong
I will strive on
Fighting against the darkness at every moment
I am but a warrior
Within this light
I shall dismiss this despair
Opening my arms to Bliss
That is Islam that is peace of the heart and soul

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

the Infinity of Chaos

Crumbling from desires
Standing as an Empire
Over the masses of the mind
Starting to turn face
Facing everything at once
Overbearing oneself
Crumbling to disaster
Where to find self
Falling into chaos
Unable to cope
The dirty desires are done
For the monster inside
Devours my soul
So lonely and empty inside
Up we go to Cloud 9
Does this define
The times that one can be full of glee
Times turn over and over again
Up to the mania of the chaos
Only to shift again
Now I'm balanced but for a minute
To shift again
Up down all around
Here I am in the insanity of my mind
The infinity
Until the end chaos shall reign
My heart burns ever so
The fire inside burning so brightly
To take the Noor in
For we be rebuilding
Taking control
To confirm that this may be the way
Solitude not alone
For the fear of loneliness may be gone
Where to find Hope
Where to find Grace
What will come of this
Serenity of the heart
Only for about a minute
Counting the minutes as they go by
Striving on, here we go into the chaos
Taking control, allowing the light to consume
The fire inside burn so lightly
Hope inside is bright, so we be
In the everlasting circle
This time we have serenity on our side
So the lighthouse shines brightly inside the soul
A beacon to the solitude
Bringing serenity in
That is what is needed to conquer
The mania, finally I'm free
To be truly me
Within this insanity
There be but Noor
Within my heart
Shining brightly
Bringing peace
That is what is needed

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

insomnia wonders

3:00 a.m. wonders
Tightness in my chest
Unable to comprehend
Anxiety at the max
Unable to slumber
Tick tock on the clock
What to do from here?
Up down all around
The mind you see is up and down
How about I come around
I plea so silently
To who indeed
That is Allah the Almighty
3:00 a.m. fun
Not knowing what to do
Mindful of the situation
Despair will come
Hope will disappear
As the clock goes on
Nearly 4:00 am
Wanting to slumber
Unable to do so
Critical to the max
Hoping to hit the pillow
Hoping to hold onto sanity
I can upon the Lord indeed
To save me from myself
The bad deeds, surely reap 
Mania bursting at brim
Unable to comprehend
Why must I be this way?
Hoping for this chaos to end
Insomnia here it comes
Mind deprived of sanity
Surely the insaniac
Full of insomnia
Can strive to do better
To Hope, to overcome despair
Ponders that will never end
So we shall depend
Upon the Lord indeed
Shall save me from my insanity
Truly is this what is needed within this despair
Truly let's climb the stairs
Holding on to hope
Wanting something more
Insomnia wanting more
Ponders and wonders ever more

Monday, March 20, 2023

Rooftop Fool

Sitting here on the roof top
Making me wonder, of this glorious world
Who am I?
A fool within the world of fools
Pondering a time that has passed
Broken into peices
Sitting here wondering
What is next?
The day comes as the clouds roll endlessly
Over my head, what wonder this world is
Am I a disappointment?
What will come of this ponder
Here I am sitting full of serenity
I breathe the breaths of freedom
I am free, I will conquer my desires
I truly need strength to overcome this storm
With my heart so burdened
By the troubles of the world
I am but perfectly imperfect
A human within this world
A care taker, as it was destined
The world to vast
Here I am
Pondering until another storm comes
I rise to realize that time that demands us
Is but limited
So make the best of what we have
Ponder those thoughts
Make them into actions
To bring peace to the heart and soul
To bring peace to the world

Sunday, March 19, 2023


Dashing through uncertainty 
Where you go from here?
Finding something that is wanted, needed
The light that leads one
Wanting something more
Hiding from the doom
As the Nafs conquer me
Following the way
The Noor
What is this
The light inside me
I breathe holding in destiny
Breaking into disaster
The mania here
Out of control
So I seek
The Noor
Following the way
To find Hope at the end of the tunnel of vision
Even with the disaster
Of bipolar
I breathe, even when the pain speaks to the
Destined to fail
The mind surely is bent
Beyond destination
One can hope
Keep on holding on
Never giving in to najs thoughts
Shall I be
Free finally to hope
Wanting nothing but to Hope
So I will
Ponder on within my destiny 
To breathe, to finally be
Free from the shackles of the past
Burdened so
I shall not give to the disaster
I shall recovery
I shall arrive only to strive
Within this world of calculated Chaos

Friday, March 17, 2023


 am but a blank slate

Ready for anything to come

I am within my solitude

Within doom to be

Devastate my heart
Has each pin points

Shall I fall to the dirty deed

Within this destiny

Shall I truly need

What's meant to be

Within this mind that sees

Upon the time that needs

Let it be upon this time of insanity

Seeking what might be of clarity

To find that serenity of the heart and soul

I am but rebuilding

Broken not beyond the bend

Fitting everything together again

I am but broken, gluing the pieces together

To bring something of a masterpiece to be

Will there be help beyond thee

Perhaps this is what is destined for me

Pin cushion destiny

Heart needed within this

So revealed within destiny

Let it be let it be

Pin cushioned Bliss

Wednesday, March 15, 2023


Prepaid Bliss
But on the blitz 
Here we are
Seeking something not real
Artificial Bliss but only to dismiss
Up in the sky, shall defy what had been written for me
There's the need to be bad at deeds
Mania on the bend
I be trying to mend
Up up to Cloud 9
Does this define the prepaid Bliss
Of the artificial Bliss
Running on the treadmill into sanity
Only to drop down to the ground
Down again coming to darkness
Here we go again
Upon the time
This time I will mend
Surely not to bend
To be firm allowing serenity
To help me
Breathing just every so nicely
Breathe here there everywhere
Life may be slightly off putting, but sanity in near always
Dare to live, upon today

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Seeking the way

Do you truly call thee
For you be good or bad
The choice is yours
To seek what is right
To follow a desire
What will come
So many choices to make
Perhaps the time will come
With a shining purity will come
Showing its light to you
So seek the noor
Away from najs nafs
Bringing happiness to the heart
Bringing peace to serenity
We be good but evil
That be humanity to a key
What is right
Perhaps this is a tightrope
Trying to balance one's soul
Wobbling as one walks
Trying to not look down at the spare
Having desires to look up at purity
Follow your deeds, make them good with balance
Avoid the darkness
Seek the light
For darkness truly brings despair
Following the Noor
Will this be truth
Bringing peace to the heart
That is serenity
To bring me through the thick uncertainty
Being a beaming light
Guiding those
To Hope
Bringing happiness here and there
That is what is needed
In this world of despair
Of clarity we shall be
Away from the chaos deeds
So seek the way
Perhaps it will save you someday


Wonderous this world can be
With all the life within serenity
To seek what is most close to you
That is the light knocking on the darkness
The guiding light through the Stars
When will we find the truth
Will it finally come
That is light
Seeking something that is not there anymore
With all the doubt within the heart
One feels but a burden
Unable to comprehend what hope is
Wonder if this world even when in a disaster
It's so perfect
Yet you would doubt
What truly truth is
That is Islam
The peace that you need within your heart
The fire that burns within
The hope that guides you through the darkness
That is the one and only Allah
The Almighty
Fret not for you think you are not worthy
Of the compassion of the one and only
For he is the most merciful the most gracious the most forgiving
Simply put one must
Repent with their heart and soul
Allowing the light to guide you through the darkness
To the truth
Mine may be far from yours
Perfectly imperfect
In this world of strife within calculated chaos
One must truly strive
That is what is needed
To fight despair
Follow truth

Monday, March 13, 2023

Strife to strive

Dancing upon the skies
So far from reality
Where to go from here
To dance across the galaxy
Wanting to take the Ecstasy of the heart
Devastated by the deed
The desires that be
Within this world so sadly
To dance is to be free
Free as the stars within our Galaxy
The will for hope
Dare not fade, upon this day
For we live for the day
Does tomorrow ever come
Wanting for it, neverending nafs
That tie me down to disasters more than blissful events
Blundering around the corner
Catching myself
Breaking into a thousand pieces
Division of the heart
To do good or bad
The everlasting trial of humanity
To strive with destiny
Even when there is but strife
This world we have is precious
Seek the unknown
Follow your heart
Breathe within this world
To be fully free
To truly be me 

Thursday, March 9, 2023

The rhythm of The Beat

Moving to the rhythm
Let the blood flow
The heartbeat goes on
In the everlasting flow
Infinity everlasting Bliss
Shall I dismiss
Perhaps this is meant to be
To reap emotion
To feel relief
To have serenity
One must seek clarity
Even within this confusion
The mind seems to be
Far from thee
Wrecked beyond the bend
Destruction on the mend
Moving to the rhythm
Of the heartbeat that goes on
In the Infinity of disaster
Striving within this life
Let it be let it be
Even within this insanity
I truly breathe
The light inside of me
Shall always be knocking
At the darkness door
What to do
But to seek noor
Moving to the rhythm
Of the everlasting flow
Will the light consume me ever so
One can only hope
So hope for today so tomorrow does Not fade away

Finding something

Catching my breath
Running on the treadmill
The cycle of chaos
On the Infinity Bend
What to do?
Seek refuge with truth
La illah illallah
There is only one
The way
The light shall find you
Following the Noor
To the door
Of the fates that be
What is Haq?
One can truly find
If you truly seek
Finding the way
Thick with confusion
Breaking to the chaos
As last fall to our knees
Prostating to thee
Allah The Almighty
That truly is serenity
Calling for the need
To be able to see
Through thick and thin
Here I am seeking clarity
Finding peace
Within this chaotic world
Needing noor
Finding Haq
That is Peace 

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Seeking This

Where Am I

Upon this time

Middle of the night bliss

Shall I miss

What is meant for me

To seek the way

For peace to come

Not knowing, nor needing

Here upon this time, disaster to plaster

Up to cloud nine

Does this define why its time

To break

To be free

Of this chaos of the deeds

Destined for me

Conquering nafs

Here there everywhere

What is it meant to be

Well full of this insanity

I scream so loudly

Only to be so silently

What is it?

Shall I reap my deeds

Trekking in this path to come

Striving against the disaster 

Wanting peace

Seeking serenity 

Let me breath

Upon this time of insanity

I truly need

The noor

So seek it


For the Peace

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

The fork in the road

Stuck in this abyss
What will I really miss
Within this destiny that it's meant for me
A twist and a turn in the fork of the road
Not knowing where to go
Lost within the mist
Holding on to my solitude
That I shall dismiss, and I will truly miss
Sulking through the wetlands
As tears burdened my cheeks so
Weeping not knowing what to do
Screaming wanting nothing but to end
Hustling for this land not knowing what to do
Seeking what seems to be right
Perhaps tonight shall be the night
Holding on to happiness
The illusions that is here
Happiness but a hallucination
Tearing down the conclusion to be
Ripping down destiny that needs
Reaping your blessing
Until the deed is done
Laying down to slumber
The only peace I get
To rise again to start again
Wrecking through the wetlands, hustling for the lands
Start again will this ever end here we go again