Thursday, March 23, 2023

Foolish Warrior

Am I but a fool
Stuck in this foolish world
Unable to comprehend
Breaking into pieces
Crumbling at disaster
Despair within the heart
All of these things are here
Why must this be
Do I deserve this?
I hate myself
I do not love myself
For if I did I would not ready the blade
Despair conquers my heart
Hopelessness sweeps me into the darkness
Hate burdens me
What will come of this
Disaster will come
Maniac of Bliss
Shall I dismiss
Unable to cope
Shall there be hope
What is that
Where to find
Where to go
What is needed
That is light
To conquer the darkness
For hope will conquer all
Where to find this indeed
It's quite easy you see
Fall down and prostrate to thee Almighty
Worshiping so lightly
Ever so tightly
Does my heart feel
Hope is needed
Within the heart there is but a small light
Flickering within the haze
Almost going out
It shines brighter
What is this
That I feel
That is peace
That is Islam
Oh Allah
Have mercy on me
For the darkness conquers me
I'm ever so weak
With you Allah I am strong
I will strive on
Fighting against the darkness at every moment
I am but a warrior
Within this light
I shall dismiss this despair
Opening my arms to Bliss
That is Islam that is peace of the heart and soul

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