Tuesday, March 21, 2023

insomnia wonders

3:00 a.m. wonders
Tightness in my chest
Unable to comprehend
Anxiety at the max
Unable to slumber
Tick tock on the clock
What to do from here?
Up down all around
The mind you see is up and down
How about I come around
I plea so silently
To who indeed
That is Allah the Almighty
3:00 a.m. fun
Not knowing what to do
Mindful of the situation
Despair will come
Hope will disappear
As the clock goes on
Nearly 4:00 am
Wanting to slumber
Unable to do so
Critical to the max
Hoping to hit the pillow
Hoping to hold onto sanity
I can upon the Lord indeed
To save me from myself
The bad deeds, surely reap 
Mania bursting at brim
Unable to comprehend
Why must I be this way?
Hoping for this chaos to end
Insomnia here it comes
Mind deprived of sanity
Surely the insaniac
Full of insomnia
Can strive to do better
To Hope, to overcome despair
Ponders that will never end
So we shall depend
Upon the Lord indeed
Shall save me from my insanity
Truly is this what is needed within this despair
Truly let's climb the stairs
Holding on to hope
Wanting something more
Insomnia wanting more
Ponders and wonders ever more

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