Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Seeking the way

Do you truly call thee
For you be good or bad
The choice is yours
To seek what is right
To follow a desire
What will come
So many choices to make
Perhaps the time will come
With a shining purity will come
Showing its light to you
So seek the noor
Away from najs nafs
Bringing happiness to the heart
Bringing peace to serenity
We be good but evil
That be humanity to a key
What is right
Perhaps this is a tightrope
Trying to balance one's soul
Wobbling as one walks
Trying to not look down at the spare
Having desires to look up at purity
Follow your deeds, make them good with balance
Avoid the darkness
Seek the light
For darkness truly brings despair
Following the Noor
Will this be truth
Bringing peace to the heart
That is serenity
To bring me through the thick uncertainty
Being a beaming light
Guiding those
To Hope
Bringing happiness here and there
That is what is needed
In this world of despair
Of clarity we shall be
Away from the chaos deeds
So seek the way
Perhaps it will save you someday

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