Tuesday, November 29, 2022


Dancing into the night sky
Making a mess, not knowing what to do
Dancing upon the galaxies
Lovely as it seems to be
As the Aurora calls to you
Shimmering within the night sky ever so
Tranquility comes to be as you dance around
Having nothing but serenity within your heart
You leep with quickly with Bliss
Upon your dancing in your prancing around the Stars
A comet passes by as a shooting star
You wish upon that star that passes
For the night skies she'll stay for serenity is needed
To dance within the sky
Within the Aurora that calls her
She dances so lovely living nothing but absolute bliss
Dancing upon the Stars within the galaxies that be
Destined to dance
Destined to be with Glee
Having Harmony
What is needed
Dance upon your heart and soul
Being a edgewalker to the doom
But as the night calls me
Serenity is with me upon the Aurora that needs me
Dance dance until you have no thing left to do and you fall to your knees not knowing what you need but slumber to come
Let the rest come to be as the sun rises and the dancer goes to sleep to rest until the next night when she prances upon the Galaxy sky

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