Saturday, November 26, 2022

The demands

To the starting line
Upon this time
What demands of us?
What do we need?
Will these things bring serenity?
Ask these questions when we are corrupted
Within our destined desire
We find that we are no match for "He"
Who is this the most supreme the most merciful Allah indeed
Bang was the race on the go
Starting off at a steady flow
As the hurdles begin to come
Somebody struggling to jump over them
But those who matter most are those who strive
Who fall to the ground but get back up
The ones who do not give up
Running to the end 
Wanting nothing but desires to fade
Wanting no happiness no Love no hate nothing
I want to be an empty inside 
 I don't want to feel anymore
Will this ever end as I'm running to the finish line what to do indeed
Shall I reach out to thy Lord and ask for his Mercy
But I find myself bickering with him instead
I Fall to my knees as I almost reached the finish line and what do you do
But solely be
Even in this Insanity that wrecks me
Blessed be this time indeed
For the sanity is here
At the finish line indeed
If you have Sabr
Then perhaps you will overcome what is here
In all that you had in life do we know what it means to be
Perhaps I know what this means
For we are but slaves to our desires but in reality
We are but a slave to Allah
So even in this chaotic deen I have
I still find serenity within me
As I surrender putting my head to the ground and worshiping Allah
Do not give up
Do not hate
Love God
Love self
Love others
We should go by this everyday
Counting my pennies up today
Not knowing if I have enough currency to beat the dismay
Running on a railroad not knowing what to do
Up and down all around all the merry go round and go
Merry go around try a roller coaster up and down all around
The mind goes rapidly not knowing what to do
So once again I Fall to my knees and worship the one and only
The most merciful the most gracious
He who see's the unknown
That is Allah
The one and only
So save me from myself so I may find serenity within this Deen
Blessed be even though the insanity is here blessed be lovely indeed

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