Tuesday, November 22, 2022


Game start
Falling into the abyss of darkness
Scraping at the walls wanting to resurface
As the darkness swoops in and covers all that is light
I blade touches the skin so gently so
But so much carnage ever so
The darkness that consumes thy soul
Why must it burden me so?
Once upon a Time when happiness was not an illusion
A time of happiness with the light is the conclusion
Unfortunately this is the delusion of the illusion that happiness cannot be
It seems It's not destined for me
And I scream and I scream within this insanity
Cutting so freely
Wanting nothing more than to break free
Scraping trying to resurface
To consume the light
So the darkness fades away
To come again another day
For this everlasting jihad of mine
I scream and I scream everlasting
So silently in my mind
Shall I cry?
A teardrop to a bloody mess
Taking the torch to ready yourself
Are these the ways?
Shall I dismiss these deeds
Easier said than done indeed
Everlasting Insanity bursting at the brim
Only to have light consume this to bring serenity
So please let it be let it be
Allah said be
So here I am being me ever so slightly with insanity

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