Tuesday, September 15, 2015

More confusion

scream im crazy
so what if im insane in the membrain
im out of crontrol
who care
i dont care
move on my friends
from me
i isolate my self as though im nothing
i came from spirit as God breathed life into me

I wish i wasnt alive
slip that knife down my wrist
no stop
dont tell me that
i cry
tears roll down my face

i twist and turn in my bed
nothing molds my mind like the voices i hear
he he he ha ha ha he he ha ha
they want in
i thought i stopped them
please God i beg you
stop them from affecting me
they just in suggestion
im never alone
ready here they come
must be a jinn or demon
in keyboard
its wants me to cut burn and let out the blood
the blood hits the ground
save for from my self

spit out that vemon
they say the end is not the answer
its not
i just want to be a peace
i was this feeling to disappear
so if i disappear then maybe ill be free

Depression is my friend once upon i said
Emptiness is my misery
please God i pray
save me from myself
this is from me
you wrote in my path
im not strong enough to conquer it
please of lord save

This isnt forever
ill tell you what will be forever
slice the breath away
blood drips down my neck
my last grasp is what dooms me
run oh run
no more running
your out of time
no access to heaven
damned to hell
you took your own life
so dont
you dont want to be there

fire and brimstone
despair emptiness
its there in the hellfire
you will burn

So remember the light inside of us all
Think of him before you cut
think of God because you pick up that knife
think of self and think of the future
its not all misery
knock knock on my heart
i dont want to be selfish

keep on writing
races to the heart
listen to the word to flood out them
they arent real
they are but you and your mind
messed up as that is
erase your mind
dont let the flashbacks scare you
for your stronger now
not a child
but a tall mighty human
im just a human who have our doubts

so i leave you with this
dont lose faith in self
faith in God
Faith in the savior
he wouldnt want you to suffer
afterall he already did the suffering for all of us
dont be so hard on yourself
afterall your human
we make mistakes
i wont to stop
so i hope i will

I pray in the name of Abba the father
save me from myself
grant me my angel
send one in a dream instead of nightmares that shake my head
forgive me for my thoughts and actions
you are mericful of thy lord
in his name

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