Friday, September 3, 2021

still striving

Let's start the path
Let's create our deeds
I'm stuck within the insanity
Up down all around confusion here and there
Rage, anger
Carnage devour
Hate bitterness
Struggle hurt
Losing hope minute by minute
Some of us have the struggle in life
Be the work of the jinns
Or magic
Or mental illness
Mental illness is a thing
Why don't people understand that in modern medicine there is belief that there is such things as schizophrenia
Bipolar, borderline personality disorder, major depressive disorder, pica, anorexia, bulimia
Someone who strives
Get destroys themself at the same time
Wanting nothing more, but to better oneself
So here I am striving to do good deeds
Is this insanity
I do these deeds over and over again not for the reward you see
But it's the best of deeds to help another within this world
And I tried to help myself and I am helping myself and I am getting better but when my episodes happen in mania and a depressive state
I bleed tears from my eyes you see
Destined to be within this Insanity forever
Some lives are harder than others but life is not a test with no challenges
We all struggle and this is our Jihad
For there is struggle within humanities life forever
Within this dunya
So let us breathe
And do good deeds
Let us pray
To lighten the soul
To find serenity, to be balanced
For you not Allah
This is what you need
To love self to be able to love others to be able to allow yourself to surrender to the God Almighty Allah
Bismillah  ar Rahman Raheem
Recite with your heart you see
Be sincere within your destiny
Humble yourself ever so much that is your piety
Charity is the best of deeds
To build another up, to teach that is what we need to do
For the next generation to come you see
So help those younger than you and perhaps older than you 
Strive to help one another
This helps you keep within sanity
But be unique you see
Because each heart is
Peaceful indeed
I am content with me even within insanity
So Allah said be
So here I am striving to be

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