Tuesday, September 14, 2021

How the World should be

This world was created with purity
With all the animals and nature within it
To be a gift to humanity
But you may not know
For the last 300 years we have killed a lot of our population of animals and nature itself
We are Muslims are not supposed to do this
For we are the caretakers of this world
Why would we take more than what we could have
That is greed to the worst degree
When you look into a stallions eyes
You see the Bliss The Hope the happiness of being free
To following the natural to Allah
And let us Good deeds be for this not just humanity but for all creation you see
And we do our Good deeds for humanity you see
As it was said some of the smallest of deeds are the best of deeds
If you are walking and you see an animal that is hurt would you help it or keep on walking
As we Muslims we help those who are Muslims as well and humanity itself for we are brothers and sisters within this world
Remember to recycle for there is only one Earth
This fantasy that we can hijack another planet and live in but artificial environment is not a thing for me
Allah did not destined that for me
And when are world becomes the end we may be at fault at that
Because we did nothing to stop
Corrupting the world itself
Humanity you seem somewhat decent
But to the Earth the majority of the world is far from good to it
Allahu Alam
God only knows
I am here being and helping other beings is my way is my life is my destiny
But I will not just help humans you see
I shall help the animals in the creatures of the world and the nature indeed
Cuz this is what is willed for me
But Allah you seem into al qadar is deemed
So follow your book indeed be at the Bible the Torah or the Quran you see they're all message from the one and only Allah you see
This world is not for you to reap
It's for you to protect
To be good to other creatures other than humanity
This is what's needed for us indeed
To humble ourselves enough to help
To set the ego aside
To let Bliss consume allowing happiness to express
Where is your happy place
Is it the Kaaba
Is it the desert
Is it the jungle
Or is it silly man-made things such as Dubai or Las Vegas
Beware of these places
For they take you away the natural path of submission
So let it be let it be
While you here on being recycle indeed
Do you zakat, for this Earth for there is only one
If we destroy Earth where would we go
Would Allah judge us so
For killing a creation such as a planet
For wiping out species
I understand if you're afraid of what you do not understand
But open your heart as you would to Islam
You may learn a thing or two from nature itself
For this is true submission to Allah that is nature itself indeed the animals that breathe in the trees that breathe to the mountain that gives Salam
Such creation is so wondrous indeed
I advise you to protect it the best you can
For there is only one God where the worship and that is Allah you see
So why not follow the commandments of he
And do not reap this world through  tarnished chaotic beings
Let us breathe deep breaths and some of the strength with inside thee
To strive on words like nothing matters
The hardship of the world you see will come with ease
For life is but a struggle a Jihad indeed
And if of life was just an easy test would it be a test at all
Not one journey is the same than another for we are all different inside
So journey on this world and protect it so
Do good deeds not just for humanity but the planet you see
This is what Allah deemed
So plea with your lord indeed
To help you in this insane world you see
As we all have become burdens to our nafs
Najs or not
Be mindful indeed and perhaps you'll find peace within the heart and deed

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