Tuesday, August 31, 2021

5 by 6 part 1

To connect with God
To be within hope
Surrendering yourself to Allah
To seek serenity
Perhaps a few words may bring Noor
Letting the knowledge in
Wondering always about Allah
If you know, you must do
Do not deny haq
Or you may fail
Trust your heart at first with humbleness
Testify there is none worthy of worship but Allah and Muhammed saw is the seal of prophets
Your shahada from great news more that witnessed one
For only sleep can see your heart your eman you're hope
Desires come arising
But we know our Deen
Another pillar seems to be
Offer Salah, when ever needed
It is just with the deen
To build eman
To strength our sabr
Acquiring something of Hope
For exciting will come to you from time to time
Do not fret for Salah shall save you
And that's why we pray five or even more times a day
To strive
To gain
To glisten within the light
All Muslims gathered to be
It's obligatory to us you see
The mighty kaba within Mecca
A great place where Abraham built to worship thy Lord
Even the mountains around Mecca gives salam
And when we do this within our life it is called haj indeed
It pulls you closer to the oneness of God
As you surround yourself with the Ummaha
To please thy Lord
To surrender yourself indeed
How the Quran was revealed to us the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him
Was he was fasting within the mountains of Mecca
When an angel appeared and told him to read
But he was unable to because he could not read
The angel commanded again read and he was able to read something he could not read before
And it was revealed to him that he was on Prophet the new revelation to the world
And so in remember to him
We fast
Especially within Ramadan
From dawn to sunset
Many things you cannot do
Not just eating or drinking but lying too
And some more than most do not know this
Some maybe ignorant to what they know
But may Allah guide them so
Finally we reached the fifth pillar
It's something wonderous indeed
And to be a Muslim you have to need the desire to do charity
Zakat is needed
And do not tell others of what you do donate
For is should remain between you and Allah
And a charity is not just money you see
It could be a small deed
Or smiling indeed
Just because you're poor with money does not mean you cannot do charity with your mouth your mind and your emotions
Do you think those do not count
They do for Allahu created you
So here we are being as we said to be what is the beligatory to us
These five pillars of Islam you see
But they are not only what you need
So we will see....

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